1. YEAR 2008 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the correct option. (05) 
(i) Ted Hughes was appointed New Poet Laureate in: (1964, 1970, 1985, 1984)
(ii) Sylvia Plath committed suicide in: (1962, 1963, 1965, 1960)
(iii) Larkin started writing poetry when he was: (25 years, 35 years, 15 years, 17 years)
(iv) The movement Poet were: (Romantic, Angry young men, Rebellious, Meekly & Submissive)
(v) Stars, in Blake, are a symbol of: (light, direction, north pole, oppression & tyranny)
(b) Mark as True or False. (10)
(i) 'Dejection: An Ode' expresses the poet's sense of failure and sterility.
(ii) Difference of class and culture in depicted in Larkin's poetry.
(iii) Blake's childhood was very unhappy.
(iv) Mr. Bleaney depicts in a dramatic manner lack of cleanliness in his rented room.
(v) Keats first volume of poets appeared in 1816.
(vi) Ted Hughes was clearly against the Voluntary Psychic closing.
(vii) The poem 'Constable Calls' presents a state of fear through a child's eye view.
(viii) The 'Tollund Man' by Heaney is a good example of poetry written for protest.
(ix) 'There is not wind enough in the air to move away the ringlet curl'. These lines have been taken from the 'Ancient Mariner'.
(x) Ted Hughes reacts against the post-war of the Movement.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes lived together after marriage for ___________ years.
(ii) Keats' passionate love for ___________ seems to have started in ___________.
(iii) Blake's use of __________ makes his poetry difficult to understand.
(iv) In one of his poems, Larkin describes his childhood as ___________.
(v) In 'Kubla Khan' references have been made to a woman wailing for her _________
2. Give short answers in 1-2 lines. (20) 
(i) Define alliteration.
(ii) What is a fable? Give one or two examples.
(iii) Define hyperbole.
(iv) How is a simile different from a metaphor?
(v) What is a paradox?
(vi) What do you understand by an analogy?
(vii) Define fantasy.
(viii) What is a folk ballad?
(ix) What is a dramatic irony?
(x) What do you mean by apostrophe?
Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point. 
3. Give your reaction to Keats' concept of Truth and Beauty. (15)
4. Does the Wedding Guest play a significant part in 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'? (15)
5. Blake's poetry had depth of thought and simplicity of language. (15)
6. 'Suddenly out of the unknown there it is with all the characteristics of a living things ....' ' a sudden sharp hot stink of a fox'. Discuss. (15)
7. Heaney has been accused of being a Provincial Poet concerned only with the happenings of his island and memory. Discuss. (15)
8. Bring out clearly the conflicting points between Modernism and Larkin's Poetic Aim. (15)
2. YEAR 2008 (2nd Annual)
1. (a) Choose the correct option. (05) 
(i) 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever' is written by: (Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats)
(ii) One of Hughes' critics has called him: (Bronte, Rochester, Darcy, Heath cliff)
(iii) Larkin died in the year: (1795, 1986, 1985, 1989)
(iv) 'Heaney is the most important poet since Yeast' this was remarked by: (Wordsworth, Ted Hughes, Coleridge, Robert Lowell)
(v) 'On what wings dare he aspire'? What the hand dare seize the fire? These lines are taken from: (Keats, Coleridge, Hughes, Blake)
(b) Write True or False. (10) 
(i) Larkin was born in 1923.
(ii) Ted Hughes is profoundly concerned with subject matter of his poetry.
(iii) School-days of Larkin were uneventful.
(iv) 'Immortality Ode' is a masterpiece of Coleridge.
(v) Keats wishes to trespass into the zone of forgetfulness, 'Lethewards'.
(vi) The love of language and the love of place are one for Heaney.
(vii) 'And let the rest rent -- free to rain and sheep, shall we avoid them as unlucky places'. These lines are famous from Coleridge.
(viii) Heaney's poetry is not devoid of politics.
(ix) The design of Hyperion owes much to Milton.
(x) Hyperion was begun by Keats in 1828.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Right from his childhood Ted Hughes has been interested in ___________.
(ii) Larkin developed a serious illness in the year __________.
(iii) Heaney's work is filled with images of __________.
(iv) In 1971 Coleridge meets Wordsworth and marries ____________.
(v) The marriage of Blake took place in the year ___________.
2. Give short answers in 1-2 lines. (20) 
(i) What do you understand by euphemism?
(ii) Define understatement.
(iii) What is escape Literature?
(iv) What is blank verse?
(v) What do you mean by figurative language?
(vi) What do you mean by supernaturalism?
(vii) What is a literary illusion?
(viii) What do you understand by medievalism?
(ix) What do you understand by classicism?
(x) What is monologue?
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point. 
3. Do you agree that Blake's poetry gives an insight into his mind? (20)
4. Examine the mood of the poet in 'Dejection: An Ode' and account for it. (20)
5. Which one of Keats' Odes do you enjoy reading the most and why? Make a convincing answer. (20)
6. How does Larkin treat the theme of alienation and isolation in his poetry. (20)
7. It has been remarked that the running underground emotions in Heaney's poetry are the feeling of revulsion and attraction to violence, pain and death. (20)
8. Ted Hughes' poetry has been called 'Poetic voice of blood and guts'. Justify the statement. (20)
3. YEAR 2009 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the correct option. (05) 
(i) Blake belongs to: (17th C, 18th C, 20th C)
(ii) 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' has been written by: (Wordsworth, Keats, Hughes)
(iii) Ted Hughes was married to: (Jane, Eliot, Sylvia Plath)
(iv) John Keats belongs to: (Classical Age, Romantic Age, Modern Age)
(v) 'The Ancient Mariner' is written by: (Keats, Blake, Coleridge)
(b) Mark as True or False. (10) 
(i) Blake's 'Songs of Innocence' is devoid of any Biblical reference.
(ii) Keats hated didacticism in poetry.
(iii) Blake's childhood was very unhappy.
(iv) Seamus Heaney was born in Scotland.
(v) 'Dejection: An Ode' is written by Keats.
(vi) Sylvia Plath was the wife of Ted Hughes.
(vii) 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' celebrated the supremacy of art.
(viii) Ted believed in the value of rituals.
(ix) Ted Hughes reacts against the post-war poetry of the movement.
(x) The sensuousness of Keats is a striking characteristic of his poetry.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Plath and Ted Hughes lived together after marriage for _________ years.
(ii) The rhyme scheme of Keats' Odes is ___________.
(iii) In 'Kubla Khan' references have been made to a woman waiting for her __________.
(iv) Truth is beauty ___________.
(v) Thou still __________ bride of quietness.
2. Give short answers in one or two lines. (20)
(i) Define allegory.
(ii) What is Negative Capability?
(iii) Define blank verse.
(iv) What is Hellenism?
(v) Define hyperbole.
(vi) What is dramatic irony?
(vii) What is euphemism?
(viii) Define poetry.
(ix) Define romanticism.
(x) What is an elegy?
Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point. 
3. Discuss Coleridge as a supernatural poet. (15)
4. Discuss Blake as a romantic poet. (15)
5. Write a critical appreciation of 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'. (15)
6. Discuss Philip Larkin as a poet of reality. Give examples from the text. (15)
7. Discuss the salient features of Seamus Heaney's poetry. (15)
4. YEAR 2010 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the most correct answer. (05) 
(i) Larkin was born in: (1922, 1870, 1915)
(ii) Coleridge belongs to: (Classical Age, Romantic Age, Modern Age)
(iii) 'Ode to Autumn' is written by: (Larkin, Keats, Shelley)
(iv) Keats is famous for his: (humour, sensuousness, wit)
(v) Ted Hughes was married to: (Jane, Plath, Brontee)
(b) Write True or False. (10) 
(i) Larkin's poetry is a blend of irony.
(ii) 'Ode on Grecian Urn' celebrates the supremacy of art.
(iii) The 18th century is known as an age of reason.
(iv) Ted Hughes was born in 1918.
(v) Coleridge is a religious poet.
(vi) Blake's childhood was unhappy.
(vii) 'The Death of Naturalist' was published in 1964.
(viii) Stars in Blake's poetry are symbols of life.
(ix) Keats belongs to classical age.
(x) 'Full Moon and Frieda' was written by Ted Hughes.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Thou still unravished __________.
(ii) Seamus Heaney's poetry is filled with images of __________.
(iii) Philip Larkin died in __________.
(iv) 'London' is written by __________.
(v) Rhyme scheme of Keats' Odes is __________.
2. Write short answers of the following in one or two lines. (20) 
(i) Define an ode.
(ii) What is personification?
(iii) Define satire.
(iv) What is sonnet?
(v) Define symbolism.
(vi) What is hyperbole?
(vii) What is negative capability?
(viii) Define meter.
(ix) What is ballad?
(x) Define Hellenism.
Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. 
3. Discuss Blake as a religious poet. (15)
4. Discuss Coleridge as a supernatural poet. (15)
5. Hellenism is a major note in Keats' poetry. Write a comprehensive note and give examples from his poetry. (15)
6. What are the major thematic preoccupations of Ted Hughes of poetry? (15)
7. Elucidate with apt illustrations Larkin's use of irony in his poetry. (15)
8. Disucss Seamus Heaney as a typical Irish poet. (15)
5. YEAR 2011 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the most correct answer. (05) 
(i) 'A Constable Calls' is written by: (Seamus Heaney, Larkin, Keats, Coleridge)
(ii) 'Ambulances' is written by: (Blake, Heaney, Ted Hughes, Larkin)
(iii) Keats is famous for his: (humour, satire, sensuousness)
(iv) Keats was born in: (1795, 1796, 1801)
(v) 'Dejection: An Ode' was written in: (1802, 1801, 1760, 1860)
(b) Write True or False. (10) 
(i) Fanny Brawn was Keats' beloved.
(ii) 'Hyperion' is written by Coleridge.
(iii) Blake belongs to modern age.
(iv) 'The Sick Rose' is written by Blake.
(v) Keats belonged to classical age.
(vi) Blake is a religious poet.
(vii) Coleridge was a dramatist.
(viii) Heaney was an Irish poet.
(ix) Larkin was born in 1922.
(x) Keats is a poet of beauty.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Larkin died in ____________.
(ii) Rhyme scheme o Keats' Odes is ___________.
(iii) Once I am sure, there is nothing ____________.
(iv) Beauty is truth ___________.
(v) 'Casting and Gathering' was written by ___________.
2. Write short answers of the following in one or two lines. (20) 
(i) What is personification?
(ii) Define alliteration.
(iii) What is paradox?
(iv) Define negative capability?
(v) Define dramatic monologue.
(vi) What is sonnet?
(vii) Define comedy.
(viii) What is Hellenism?
(ix) What is hyperbole?
(x) Define iambic pentameter.
Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks.
3. Do you agree that William Blake looked deeper into the reality of things? (15)
4. Discuss Coleridge as a narrative and romantic poet. (15)
5. Discuss Keats' concept of negative capability with special reference to Odes you have read. Give examples. (15)
6. Discuss in detail the focal point in 'Casting and Gathering' by Heaney? (15)
7. Write a critical appreciation of 'Church Going' by Larkin. (15)
8. Discuss the main themes in Ted Hughes' poems. (15)
6. YEAR 2013 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the most correct answer. (05) 
(i) 'Church Going' is composed by: (Heaney, Hughes, Larkin)
(ii) Mr. Bleaney spends his summer vacations with his: (relatives, friends, landlady)
(iii) In 'A Constable Calls', the constable puts his cap on (floor, chair, bicycle)
(iv) Blake died in: (1827, 1858, 1839)
(v) Throughout his life, Coleridge idealized his: (mother, father, brother)
(b) Write True or False. (10) 
(i) Lethe is the name of a river.
(ii) Larkin drops two pounds in the money box of the church.
(iii) In 'Ambulance', the ambulance is compared to a box.
(iv) Hughes criticizes Chaucer's work in his poem 'Chaucer'.
(v) Heaney takes inspiration from his soul to write poetry.
(vi) There is no chair in Bleaney's room.
(vii) Blake was born in 1857.
(viii) Mr. Bleaney uses a saucer as an ashtray.
(ix) In 'Ode on a Grecian Urn', the narrator is looking at a painting from the Renaissance.
(x) Seamus Heaney died in 1821.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) And mark in every face I meet/marks of weakness, marks of ___________ (William Blake)
(ii) Coleridge died _____________ (year)
(iii) My heart aches and a drowsy numbness __________.
(iv) The constable rides a __________ in 'A Constable Calls'.
(v) Chaucer divides the pilgrims into _________ groups.
Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks.
2. Write short answers of the following in one or two lines. (20) 
(i) Define epic poetry.
(ii) What is imagery?
(iii) What is mock epic?
(iv) What do you mean by paradox?
(v) What do you mean by hyperbole?
(vi) Define free verse form of poetry.
(vii) Define the term heroic couplet.
(viii) What does fisherman throw in the river in the poem 'Casting and Gathering'?
(ix) What does an ambulance stand for in the poem 'Ambulances'?
(x) What colour of light comes from the plants in 'That Morning'?
3. Bring out clearly the transition from the Songs of Innocence to the Songs of Experience. (20)
4. 'He was the most romantic of the romantics'. Discuss with reference to Coleridge. (20)
5. Discuss John Keats as a poet of Escape with reference to the Odes you have read. (20)
6. Discuss the main themes in Seamus Heaney's poetry. (20)
7. Write an essay on Larkin's religious convictions as reflected in 'Church Going'. (20)
8. Write a short essay on Ted Hughes' attitude towards Nature. (20)
7. YEAR 2013 (1st Annual)
Objective Part is COMPULSORY. Attempt any FOUR questions from the Subjective Part. 
1. Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (20) 
(i) What is negative capability? 
(ii) Define Hellenism. 
(iii) Define romanticism. 
(iv) What is mysticism? 
(v) Define allegory. 
(vi) Define an ode. 
(vii) What is escapism? 
(viii) Define personification. 
(ix) What is super-naturalism? 
(x) Define pessimism. 
2. Discuss William Blake as a mystic poet. (20) 
3. Critically analyze 'Dejection: An Ode' by S.T. Coleridge. (20) 
4. 'Keats is a superb writer of Odes'. Illustrate. (20) 
5. What are the major themes in Ted Hughes' poetry? Discuss. (20) 
6. Eric Hamburger observes, 'Larkin is the saddest soul on the modern world's supermarket'. Discuss. (20) 
7. Evaluate Seamus Heaney's poem 'Casting and Gathering'. (20) 
8. YEAR 2014 (1st Annual)
Objective Part is COMPULSORY. Attempt any FOUR questions from the Subjective Part. 
1. Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. 
(i) What is negative capability? 
(ii) Define Ode. 
(iii) What is romanticism? 
(iv) Define escapism? 
(v) What is mysticism? 
(vi) Define personification? 
(vii) Explain 'Truth is beauty, beauty truth'. 
(viii) What are the contraries in Blake's poetry? 
(ix) What is imagery? 
(x) Define pessimism. 
2. Elaborate the theme of mysticism in Blake's poetry. (20) 
3. Critically evaluate 'Tintern Abbey' by William Wordsworth. (20) 
4. Critically evaluate P.B. Shelly as a revolutionary poet reformer. (20) 
5. Discuss Keats' sensuousness. (20) 
6. 'The Wasteland' reflects the hollowness of the modern civilization. Discuss. (20) 
7. Critically analyze one of the following poems: 
(i) No Second Troy
(ii) The Love Song of T' Alfred Prufrock
(iii) Church Going

1. YEAR 2008 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the correct option. (05) 
(i) Chekhov's 'The Cherry Orchard' was first produced in: (1902, 1903, 1904, 1905)
(ii) How much Galileo charge for private tuition? (ten scudi, twelve scudi, fourteen scudi, sixteen scudi)
(iii) The first play of Edward Bond was: (Saved, The Sea, The Pope's Wedding, Early Morning)
(iv) The duration of Ibsen's voluntary exile is: (07 years, 17 years, 37 years, 27 years)
(v) Who worked as farm labourer? (Ibsen, Beckett, Bond, Brecht)
(b) Encircle either T or F. (10) 
(i) 'The Cherry Orchard' alludes to the coming change in Russia.
(ii) Lopkhin says that his father hit him when he was fourteen.
(iii) Brecht's father was Catholic and his mother was Protestant.
(iv) 'The Life of Galileo' was written only in three weeks.
(v) There is no reference to women in 'Waiting for Godot'.
(vi) Mrs. Rafi's Christian name is Rose.
(vii) The first performance of 'The Sea' came off on May 22, 1973.
(viii) Vladimir sings a lullaby and Estragon falls asleep.
(ix) Lovborg is honoured for being pious.
(x) Ibsen's play 'When we Dead Awaken' was written in 1980.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Miss Tesman is about ___________ of pleasant and kindly appearance.
(ii) __________ is called a pig in 'Waiting for Godot'
(iii) Lyubov arrives home with her daughter Anya and her governess Charlotta after an absence of __________ years.
(iv) The name of Beckett's wife is __________.
(v) Breck's father was a __________ in a paper factory.
2. Answer the following questions only in two lines. (20) 
(i) What is modernism?
(ii) What is the basic difference between Act I and Act II of 'Waiting for Godot'?
(iii) Give the reason of Hedda's getting married to Tesman.
(iv) What happened to Lovborg's manuscript?
(v) What is Bond's attitude towards religion?
(vi) Why does Mrs. Rafi insult Hutch?
(vii) Mention salient features of Charlotta Ivanovna.
(viii) What is socialism?
(ix) What idea does Galileo propagate?
(x) Why did Brecht flood the stage with 'Harsh White Light'?
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point. 
3. How is 'Waiting for Godot' a 'music-hall comedy'? (20)
4. Give a portrait of 'Hedda Gabler'. (20)
5. How does Brecht deal with church in 'The Life of Galileo? (20)
6. Bond's play 'The Sea' emphasizes the strength of people, their ability to change the society. Do you agree? (20)
7. Discuss the plot construction of the play 'The Cherry Orchard'. (20)
2. YEAR 2008 (2nd Annual)
1. (a) Choose the correct option. (05) 
(i) Lopakhin was hit on the face by his face when he was: (15, 16, 14, 13)
(ii) Anya says that she has not slept for: (two nights, three nights, four nights, five nights)
(iii) Galileo takes a splinter from a piece of wood and sticks it into the: (orange, apple, melon, carrot)
(iv) Hedda commits suicide by shorting herself in: (the head, the temple, the heart, the chest)
(v) Who says, 'Away, distracted man. I am a dog'. (Vicar, Evens, Willy, Mafanway)
(b) Write True or False. (10)
(i) The Christine name of Mrs. Tilehouse is Lousie.
(ii) George Tesman is a young man of 33.
(iii) Father Christopher Clavius is a preacher.
(iv) Heath is a middle-aged draper.
(v) Mrs. Elvsted's eyes are light brown.
(vi) There is a reference to American women in 'Waiting for Godot'.
(vii) Hedda wants to persuade her husband to be a politician.
(viii) In Act One, when Fires enters the room, he is wearing old fashioned clothes.
(ix) According to Estragon, the colour of the Dead Sea is blue.
(x) Varya Ranevsky feels heart broken by Lopakhin's passivity.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Anton Chekhov was awarded the __________ prize for Literature.
(ii) Who in 'The Sea' says, 'That was a sign. Crying bad news'. ___________
(iii) Mrs. Elvsted says that Lovborg has brough out book about __________.
(iv) Sagredo thinks what Galileo says goes ___________ year of astronomy.
(v) Gayer is the brother of __________.
2. Answer only in two lines. (20) 
(i) What is 'Absurd Theatre'?
(ii) What is 'Naturalism'?
(iii) Who is Ludovico and why does he come to visit Galileo?
(iv) What is the theme of 'The Cherry Orchard'?
(v) Write the dominant traits in Judge Brack's Characters.
(vi) What does Mrs. Elvsted tell Hedda about Lovbrog?
(vii) Describe the role of Lucky in 'Waiting for Godot'.
(viii) What makes Mrs. Rafi, a Victorian Women?
(ix) What happens in scene 2 of 'The Life of Galileo?
(x) Mention the qualities of Hatch.
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. 
3. Discuss in detail Brechet's art of dramatization. (20)
4. The play 'The Cherry Orchard' is said to be about the one going socio. Political changes in Russia. Comment. (20)
5. Critically evaluate the character of Trafimov. (20)
6. How far is it true that there is no action in 'Waiting for Godot'.? (20)
7. Discuss the role of minor characters in 'The Sea'. (20)
3. YEAR 2009 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the correct option. (05) 
(i) Ibsen left school at the age of __________ and got employed at an apothecary's shop. (15, 14, 16)
(ii) Samuel Beckett was born in __________. (1906, 1907, 1909)
(iii) Chekhov graduated in medicine at the age of ___________. (22, 23, 24)
(iv) Edward Bond joined the Royal Court Theatre in ___________ (1958, 1955, 1963)
(v) Brechet's father Bertolt Friedrich worked as a _________ in a paper factory. (labourer, machine man, chief clerk)
(b) Tick True or False. (10) 
(i) Brack exploited Hedda's fear of scandal.
(ii) James Joyce has no effect on Samuel Beckett.
(iii) Mrs. Elvsted wants George Tesman to be hard to Lovborg.
(iv) Estragon tells Pazzo that his name is Adam.
(v) Chekhov's 'The Cherry Orchard' was performed on January 15, 1904.
(vi) Mrs. Rafi accuses hatch that he used abusive language to the drowning man.
(vii) Trofimov's actions always match his words.
(viii) The friendship between Edward Bond and Devine was lasting.
(ix) During World War - I, Brecht chiefly worked as a clerk in an emergency hospital.
(x) Brecht did not disagree to Aristotle's concept of Plot and Cathersis.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Chekhov suffered from ___________ which became the cause of his death.
(ii) __________ is hired as a tutor to the step children of Mrs. Thea.
(iii) Vladimir narrates the story that these two thieves were crucified along with their __________.
(iv) Bond's play 'Bingo' won the __________ award as Best off Broadway play.
(v) When Ardrea says that he can even read the copper letters. GRACLA DEI, Galileo says that it will bring them ________ scudi.
2. Answer the following questions only in two lines. 
(i) Mention the modern qualities which are present in 'Waiting for Godot'.
(ii) Why did Hedda marry George Tesman?
(iii) What is Epic Theatre?
(iv) Why does Thea come to visit Hedda?
(v) What does Galileo propagate?
(vi) What attitude does Trofimov have towards society?
(vii) What is Bond's attitude towards religion?
(viii) What is an absurd play?
(ix) Describe the salient features of Lopakhin.
(x) Why does Mrs Rafi insult Hatch?
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point. 
3. Discuss 'Cherry Orchard' as a comedy play. (20)
4. Write a comprehensive note on the theme of 'Waiting for Godot'. (20)
5. 'Hedda Gabler' reflects the weakness of the contemporary society. Elaborate. (20)
6. Write a detailed note on the character of Hatch. (20)
7. Discuss Brecht as a dramatist. (20)
4. YEAR 2010 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the most correct answer. (05) 
(i) Ibsen was a __________ century playwright. (18th, 19th, 20th)
(ii) Chekhov died of ___________ (tuberculosis, heart attack, cancer)
(iii) Brecht was __________ playwright. (A Russian, An English, A German)
(iv) Beckett passed away in __________. (Paris, London, Moscow)
(v) Edward Bond wrote about __________. (nature, violence, manners)
(b) Write True or False. (10) 
(i) Hedda is considered as the 'Female Hamlet'.
(ii) Tesman's academic specialty is philosophy.
(iii) 'The Cherry Orchard' opens in March.
(iv) Chekhov also practiced as a doctor.
(v) Galileo's true interest lay in Biology.
(vi) Galileo's father was a painter.
(vii) Beckett was student and friend of James Joyce.
(viii) Oppression and cruelty pop up in the Backett's play.
(ix) Will's fall does not come to him through any tragic flaw.
(x) Mrs. Rafi arranges a play to raise funds for coastal guard.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) The old name of Tesman's new house was __________.
(ii) Let me remind you, ladies and gentlemen, on __________ 22, the Cherry Orchard will be sold.
(iii) Galileo was born in _________, Italy on Friday 18, 1564.
(iv) We'll hang ourselves tomorrow, unless _________ comes.
(v) 'The Sea' opens with a ___________ in the sea.
2. Answer the following in only one or two lines. (20) 
(i) Is Hedda a symbol of new women?
(ii) Hedda may be portrayed as a victim of circumstances.
(iii) Describe 'The Cherry Orchard' as a naturalistic play.
(iv) How does Charlotte entertain the people in the party?
(v) What was Galileo's discovery in the field of Physics?
(vi) Why did Brecht choose Galileo?
(vii) Define tragic comedy.
(viii) What is the significance of Godot in the play 'Waiting for Godot'?
(ix) How is Mrs. Rafi by character?
(x) Define symbolism.
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
3. Discuss the major theme and mood of the play 'Hedda Gabler'. (20)
4. 'The Cherry Orchard' oscillated like a pendulum between smiles and tears. Comment. (20)
5. Write a comprehensive note on Beckett as a social critic in the light of the play 'Waiting for Godot'. (20)
6. How far do you agree that Brecht is successful in applying his theories about drama in 'Galileo Galilei'? (20)
7. Bring out the symbolic significance of the title of Edward Bond's 'The Sea'. (20)
5. YEAR 2011 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the most correct answer. (05) 
(i) The play 'Hedda Gabler' takes place in: (autumn, spring, summer, winter)
(ii) Becket was the disciple of: (Chekhov, Milton, James Joyce, Edward Bond)
(iii) Galileo was born in: (Pisa, Rome, London, Florence)
(iv) Chekhov was: (Russian, American, French, German)
(v) Edward is a symbol of: (hope, despair, defeat, dejection)
(b) Write True or False. (10) 
(i) Tesman wants Hedda call Juju Mom.
(ii) Brack is throwing a dinner party for bachelors and husbands.
(iii) Trophimof is a banker.
(iv) Gayefs plays billiards when he is embarrassed.
(v) Catholic scholars like Galileo's theory.
(vi) Galileo lived the rest of his life in Rome.
(vii) Hope is considered a form of salvation in 'Waiting for Godot'
(viii) Valdimir does not want to pick Pozzo.
(ix) Mr. Rafi is pious.
(x) 'The Sea' is a four act play.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Hedda thought of her honeymoon __________.
(ii) The Cherry Orchard will be sold on ___________.
(iii) Galileo's two daughters became ___________.
(iv) We will hang ourselves tomorrow, unless __________ comes.
(v) Mrs. Rafi wants Mafanwy to be a __________ in the play.
2. Answer the following in only one or two lines. (20) 
(i) What does Hedda complain?
(ii) To whom is Mrs. Elvsted married?
(iii) Is 'The Cherry Orchard' a tragedy or comedy?
(iv) Who buys the Cherry Orchard?
(v) Why did Galileo leave his school?
(vi) Who is Galileo?
(vii) What are the themes of 'Waiting for Godot'?
(viii) How does 'Waiting for Godot' demonstrate the qualities of theatre of the Absurd?
(ix) What is Willy's tragic flaw?
(x) Who is Hatch?
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. 
3. The play 'Hedda Gabler' deals with the tragic dilemma of modern man. Discuss. (20)
4. 'The Cherry Orchard' represents the passing of the order. Comment. (20)
5. Define Epic Theatre and elaborate how Brecht maximizes this technique in 'The Life of Galileo'. (20)
6. Godot is one of the riddles of Beckett's play 'Waiting for Godot'. (20)
7. Discuss Edward Bond as a dramatist. (20)
6. YEAR 2012 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the most correct answer. (05) 
(i) Hedda is afraid of: (scandals, second marriage, Tesman, social gatherings)
(ii) By profession, Trophimof is: (a banker, a priest, a servant, a student)
(iii) Heliocentricity was first proposed by: (Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Andrea)
(iv) (Waiting for Godot): 'If one hammer, how many nails'? (two, three, four, five)
(v) 'The Sea' was published in: (1972, 1973, 1974, 1975)
(b) Write True or False. (10) 
(i) Ibsen was an Irish playwright, theatre director, and poet.
(ii) Judge Brack knows the secret of Loevborg's suicide.
(iii) Lopakhin wants to spend his winter in Switzerland.
(iv) Gayef's greatest wish is to get his sister married to a rich man.
(v) Estragon eats chicken and gives bones to Pazzo.
(vi) Estragon's pet/nick name is Didi.
(vii) Galileo's mother was an aristocratic woman.
(viii) Virginia is Galileo's elder sister who helps him in his trial.
(ix) Rose insists on seeing the approaching ships in the sea.
(x) Hallarcut is a well educated person.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Judge Brach helps Hedda and Tesman in purchasing a new __________.
(ii) Perhaps man has a hundred senses, and when he dies the ___________ senses that we know perish with him.
(iii) The Bible shows the way to go to heaven, not the way the ___________ go.
(iv) Estragon asks Vladmir if he knows __________.
(v) __________ is standing on the shore when Collin is drowning.
Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. 
2. Answer the following in only one or two lines. (20) 
(i) For the achievement of what ideal does Hedda die?
(ii) Record Hedda's behaviour with Tesman's aunts?
(iii) How does Ranevsky look aristocratic?
(iv) What does 'Cherry Orchard' signify?
(v) Mention Brecht's main purpose for writing 'Galileo Galili'?
(vi) What were the allegations Galileo had to face?
(vii) What is the essence of Lucky's speech?
(viii) Why does Willy fail in saving Collin?
(ix) What is the significance of Godot?
(x) Give a thumb-nail sketch of Mrs. Rafi?
3. Hedda Gabler is a play about the problem of relationship between the individual and the society? (20)
4. Is the play 'The Cherry Orchard' a tragedy or comedy? (20)
5. Brecht has described the conflict between Church and Galileo. Elaborate. (20)
6. What are the similarities and otherwise in Vladimir and Estragon in 'Waiting for Godot' by Becket? (20)
7. Discuss the symbolic significance of the title 'The Sea'. (20)
7. YEAR 2013 (1st Annual)
Objective Part is COMPULSORY. Attempt any FOUR questions from Subjective Part. 
1. Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (20) 
(i) Where does the action of 'Waiting for Godot' take place?
(ii) Who is Pozzo and what does he want to do with his slave?
(iii) When did Edward Bond win the Ohie award?
(iv) What do Evens an Hatch represent?
(v) What is an epic theatre?
(vi) What did Galileo show his friend Sagredo on Jan 10, 1610?
(vii) What does 'The Cherry Orchard' depict?
(viii) Why is 'The Cherry Orchard' called a tragedy?
(ix) What did Hedda think of her honeymoon?
(x) Describe the physical structure of Hedda Gabler.
2. Discuss the theme of time and identify in 'Waiting for Godot'. (20)
3. Is it correct to say that in 'Waiting for Godot' nothing happens twice? (20)
4. Draw a portrait of Mrs. Rafi. (20)
5. Discuss Brecht as as a theatrical genius. (20)
6. Discuss the plot construction of 'Hedda Gabler'. (20)
7. How does Hedda view her marriage? What were her motives for marrying Tesman? (20)
8. YEAR 2014 (1st Annual)
Objective Part is COMPULSORY. Attempt any FOUR questions from Subjective Part.
1. Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (20) 
(i) What is Tesman's academic specialty?
(ii) Why does Hedda want to destroy Eilet's manuscript?
(iii) In which two countries the war was going in 'Arms and the Man'?
(iv) Name three other plays written by Shaw.
(v) Why don't Vladimir and Estragon leave at the end of the play?
(vi) What does the young boy tell the tramps about Godot?
(vii) What does Mrs. Rafi want Mafanwy to be in the play?
(viii) What does Hatch terms Mrs. Rafi?
(ix) What is the importance of cherry orchards for Madame Ranevskaya?
(x) What is Yephikodov's nick name?
2. Who is victorious --- Hedda Gabler or Victorian moralities and why? (20)
3. Enlist Shaw's satiric overtones regarding love and war in 'Arms and the Man'. (20)
4. 'Waiting for Godot' is a play without a plot or even a touch of romance. Why do people rush to watch it on the stage?
5. Who is the tragic here on the play 'The Sea' and on what grounds? (20)
6. What is the nature of different love affairs in 'The Cherry Orchard'? (20)
7. Highlight the salient features of twentieth century drama. (20)


1. YEAR 2008 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the correct option. (05)
(i) Okonkwo was considered one of the greatest men in Umofia by: (Obierika, Uchendu, Ezinma)
(ii) Mr. Carmichael took: (heroine, cocaine, opium)
(iii) Marlowe compares Kurtz to: (a warrior, Jupiter, a king)
(iv) Mir Nihal has: (one wife, two wives, three wives)
(v) Stephen' mother used to play on: (piano, guitar, flute)
(b) Tick the True or False. (10) 
(i) Marlowe's uncle arranged a job for him in Africa.
(ii) Marlowe received his appointment letter from company's head office in Prague.
(iii) 'To the Lighthouse' is divided into five parts.
(iv) Stephen ultimately became a priest.
(v) James Joyce was the pioneer of the Stream of Consciousness technique.
(vi) Evil Forest was the representative of the village of Mbiano.
(vii) Okeke was a native of Umuru.
(viii) Saeed Hasan was almost 30.
(ix) Mushtri Bai's death completely changed Asghar.
(x) Ahmad Ali was a renowned Indian novelist.
(c) Fill in the blanks with correct words. (05) 
(i) When Marlow was a little chap, he has a passion for _____________.
(ii) Ekwefi had married __________ before marrying Okonkow.
(iii) The name of Habibuddin's son was __________.
(iv) Mehru was the wife of ___________.
(v) Kurtz was a __________ citizen.
2. Answer the following short questions in two lines. (20)
(i) What was considered the greatest crime in Umofia?
(ii) Describe the 'isa-ifi' ceremony.
(iii) What were the unspeakable rites?
(iv) Describe Kurtz's parentage.
(v) What does the cat symbolize in 'Twilight in Delhi'?
(vi) Why did Stephen go to the Rector of the college?
(vii) What was the effect of father Arnell's sermon on Stephen's mind?
(viii) Write a short note on Mushtri Bai.
(ix) Write down why James hate Mr. Ramsay?
(x) Write short note on Lily Briscoe.
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point.
3. James Joyce presents certain theories in his novel 'A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man'. Discuss. (20)
4. 'To the Lighthouse' is a modern novel. Discuss. (20)
5. Achebe's women are suppressed as well as progressive. Discuss in the light of 'Things Fall Apart'. (20)
6. Discuss the role and significance of Marlowe in 'Heart of Darkness'. (20)
7. 'Twilight in Delhi' is an ugly picture of Male Chauvinism of the Muslims of the subcontinent. Elaborate. (20)
2. YEAR 2008 (2nd Annual)
1. (a) Choose the correct option. (05) 
(i) The captain of the ship, killed by the natives was: (Swede, Norwegain, Belgian)
(ii) In the school, wells pushed Stephen into a: (ditch, water pipe, bush)
(iii) Lily Briscoe thought that her picture would be hung in the: (drawing room, gallery, attic)
(iv) The person who was asked to salute Umofia before Okika was: (Onyeka, Egonwanne, Okundo)
(v) Zohra's last letter was brough to Asghar by: (Mehro, Chambeli, Nasim)
(b) Write True or False. (10) 
(i) Kurtz traded silver.
(ii) Stephen joined church and led a happy life.
(iii) Mrs. Ramsay was an actor.
(iv) Zohra was the sister of Shams.
(v) Mr. Ramsay married Lily in the end.
(vi) Amadi was one of the elders of the village.
(vii) In Abame and Aninta 'Oze' is worth less than cowries.
(viii) Bilqees is the middle daughter of Mirze Shahbaz Baig.
(ix) Bilqees is blunt in expressing her love for Asghar.
(x) Okoli was hanged for killing the sacred paython.
(c) Fill in the banks. (05) 
(i) Kurtz called ___________ a noxious fool.
(ii) The Russian was a son of an ___________.
(iii) Umofia obado dike means the land of __________.
(iv) Bilqees was Bundoo's ____________.
(v) Mir Nihal's concubine was ____________.
2. Answer the following questions. Answers should be in one or two lines. (20) 
(i) What caused Stephen feel alienation?
(ii) Stephen as a child sang a song. What was the song about?
(iii) Write the names of four novels of Virginia Woolf.
(iv) Write a short note on Mrs. Ramsay.
(v) Name two characters symbolizing inefficiency in 'Heart of Darkness'.
(vi) What has the wreck of Marlowe's steamer been compared to?
(vii) What present was given to Obierika's daughter and her husband by Okonkwo?
(viii) Why did Okonkwo beat Ojiugo?
(ix) Write down a few pastimes of the people of Delhi as mentioned in 'Twilight in Delhi'.
(x) Whom does Asghar meet in his two dream?
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. 
3. When things fall apart something old is lost. Comment in the light of Achebe's 'Things Fall Apart'. (20)
4. Evil is evil, colourless, heart less. Evil is black, evil is white. Elaborate with special reference to 'Heart of Darkness'. (20)
5. What led Stephen to become an artist in the novel 'A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man'?
6. Justify Ahmad Ali's remarks that 'Twilight in Delhi' has presented the panorama of history, untrammeled by time and subterfuge and depicted the changing face of reality as reflected in Delhi. (20)
7. Human sympathy is an essential pre-requisite for the artist to succeed. Discuss with reference to Virginia Woolf's 'To the Lighthouse'. (20)
3. YEAR 2009 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the correct option. (05) 
(i) Stephen's neighbour, the Vances lined in: (number 8, number 7, number 7)
(ii) Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay have __________ children. (8, 7, 6)
(iii) The word _________ rang in the air was whispered, was sighed: (Kurtz, Ivory, Riverts)
(iv) Asghar wanted to go into: (business, police, army)
(v) When mother _________ is chewing grass, its young ones watch its mouth: (goat, earth, cow)
(b) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Marlowe noticed a _________ in the bottom of his pail.
(ii) Stephen's father told him the story of ___________.
(iii) When the novel opens, we find Mrs. Ramsay knitting ____________.
(iv) Asghar was made to eat ___________ pudding from the palm of the bride.
(v) __________ found the 'iyi-uwa' of Ezinma.
(c) Tick the True or False. (10) 
(i) Kurtz entreated Marlowe to take good care of his intended.
(ii) Kurtz showed restraint in the gratification of his various lusts.
(iii) Stephen's mother used to play guitar.
(iv) Stephen was satisfied with Aristotle's definition of pity and terror.
(v) Minta said that she had lost her grandmother's brooch.
(vi) When the novel 'To the Lighthouse' opens, the time is mid November.
(vii) Oye is the name of one of the our market days.
(viii) Chileo called the converts the excrement of the clan.
(ix) Begum Shahbaz was vain and egotistical.
(x) Saeed Hasan was a great patriot.
2. Answer the following short questions in about two lines. (20) 
(i) Write a short note on Kurtz's gift of gab.
(ii) When did Kurtz's mother die?
(iii) Give a brief account of First Christmas dinner of Stephen.
(iv) Write a note on Stephen-Eileen relations.
(v) Introduce Mr. Ramsay.
(vi) Introduce Charles Tansley.
(vii) What does 'Ezigbo' mean?
(viii) What were the ingredients that went into making the medicine for 'iba'?
(ix) Who conveyed the news of Babban Jan's critical condition to Mrs. Nihal?
(x) How did Mrs. Nihal busy herself after her becoming blind?
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point.
3. Do you agree that Marlowe's presence in the heart of Africa is Marlowe's descent into hell, a hell ruled by a Satan? (20)
4. Stephen's story is the story of a sinful Soul-Dammed. Elaborate. (20)
5. Walter Allen remarks, 'For Virginia Woolf, art alone can impose order on the flux of lives lived in time, art is her substitute for religion, and the artist's act of creation an equivalent of the mystic's intuition'. Discuss in the light of 'To the Lighthouse'. (20)
6. Write a detailed note account of Okonkwo's life in exile. (20)
7. In the novel 'Twilight in Delhi', Delhi is the most important character. Discuss.
4. YEAR 2010 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the most correct answer. (05) 
(i) 'Heart of Darkness' was written in: (1902, 1905, 1911)
(ii) The number of persons, who ultimately reach to the Light House is: (three, four, seven)
(iii) Okonkwo's daughter is brought to Agbala by: (priestess, Ononkow, Ibierika)
(iv) The technique, James Joyce uses in his novels is: (impressionistic, expressionistic, stream of consciousness)
(v) 'Twilight in Delhi' was published in: (1939, 1940, 1941)
(b) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Marlowe narrated his story, sitting in a ship in the river ___________.
(ii) The novel, 'To the Lighthouse' is divided into _________.
(iii) Okonkwo spends __________ years in exile.
(iv) In the school, Stephen was punished by _________.
(v) The name of Asghar's daughter was __________.
(c) Tick the relevant as True or False. (10) 
(i) Kurtz had written a report about the niggers.At the end of the report, he added a note. Love the Natives.
(ii) Marlow got the job in a Swiss firm.
(iii) Mr. Ramsay was an artist.
(iv) Mrs. Ramsay died in sleep.
(v) Akonkwo's favourite wife is Chileo.
(vi) Achebe was born in Surrey Country of England.
(vii) James Joyce was an eighteenth century novelist.
(viii) Stephen's mother played on the horn pipe.
(ix) 'Twilight in Delhi' is the story of 19th Century.
(x) Asghar was a faithful husband.
2. Write short answers of the following in four to five lines. (20) 
(i) Give an account of the school days of Stephen.
(ii) Give an account of Chrelo's journey to Agbala, having Ezuma on her back.
(iii) Discuss Loly as a painter.
(iv) Write a note on Unspeakable rites.
(v) Write a note on King George's Coronation.
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. 
3. Discuss Stephen as a victim of conflicts. (20)
4. Write a comprehensive note on the tragic flaw of Okonkwo. (20)
5. Do you think Kurtz was influenced by the Jungle? (20)
6. Mrs. Ramsay, even after her death, remains present in the pages of 'To the Lighthouse'. (20)
7. 'Twilight in Delhi' is a realistic picture of the Muslim-Delhi. Elaborate. (20)
5. YEAR 2011 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the most correct answer. (05) 
(i) Met who come out here should have no: (brains, ivory, entrails)
(ii) Mrs. Ramsay's gold necklace was made in: (England, Italy, Greece)
(iii) Locusts were eaten with: (palm oil, palm wine, butter)
(iv) Stephen explained terror by taking the example of: (an old man, a girl, a widow)
(v) Asghar gave his father one thousand rupees on: (Eid, his marriage, Mehro's marriage)
(b) Write True or False against each statement. (10) 
(i) The Russian was the son of a country Squire.
(ii) The devoted band called itself Colorado Detectives.
(iii) Dorothy Richardson was the pioneer of the stream of consciousness techniques.
(iv) Mrs. Ramsay is more concerned with intellect than with imitation.
(v) An ogbange child stays if it does not die before six.
(vi) The naming ceremony was performed after fortnight.
(vii) Stephan's great-grandfather was referred to as a fire-eater.
(viii) Teachers liked the weekly essays of Stephen.
(ix) Bilqees had been brought up by her father's sister.
(x) Mir Nihal blamed Zinat Mahal for the downfall of the Mughals.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Joseph Conrad was born in Russian __________.
(ii) While going to the lighthouse, __________ was steering the boat.
(iii) Every man wears the thread of title on his __________.
(iv) Stephen regularly talks to himself in the course of his solitary walks about __________.
(v) Mir Ijaz Hussain gave _________ rupees to Asghar on his engagement.
2. Write short answers of the following in four to five lines. (20)
(i) Trace irony in the character of Kurtz.
(ii) How is 'To the Lighthouse' a study of human relationship?
(iii) Describe the leader of the Egwugwu and his way of addressing the people.
(iv) Why did Stephen's classmates maltreat him?
(v) Describe Mushtri Bai's physical appearance.
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
3. 'What Conrad saw in the Congo was subsequently recorded by him in 'Heart of Darkness', the most terrible of his short stories'. Elaborate. (20)
4. 'To the Lighthouse' exhibits Virginia's technical mastery. Elucidate. (20)
5. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (20)
(i) The Wrestling Matches in 'Things Fall Apart'
(ii) The Egwugwu and their Justice
(iii) Chielo and Ezinma Episode
6. Describe the circumstances that led to the rejection of religion by Stephen. (20)
7. 'Twilight in Delhi' throws light on the life of the Indian Muslims of Delhi at the start of the 20th century. Elaborate. (20)
6. YEAR 2012 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the most correct answer. (05) 
(i) 'Yes, of course, if it's a fine tomorrow' said Mrs Ramsay' but you'll have to be up with: (mourning star, the mother, the lark)
(ii) Okonkow never showed any emotion openly except: (anger, greed, wonder)
(iii) The Nellie, a cruising yawl swung to her anchor, without flutter of the: (winds, waves, sails)
(iv) 'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man' was published in how many installments in 'The Egoist'? (25, 22, 20)
(v) Blind Hafizji was considered a: (majzoob, saint, hakeem)
(b) Write True or False against each statement. (10) 
(i) Ekwefi told a trickster tale.
(ii) 'No going to the lighthouse, James' he said, as he stood by the window speaking awkwardly.
(iii) Marlow goes to Congo river through the Red Sea.
(iv) 'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man' was published in 1944.
(v) The New Yam Feast was held to honour Amadiora.
(vi) When Mrs. Ramsay looked in the glass and saw her grey hair, she was very happy.
(vii) It was Marlow who had ordered the attack on the Russian.
(viii) Charles Stewart Pernell appears as actual character in 'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man'.
(ix) Asghar saw Bilqeecee in his first dream.
(x) Meraj was preferred for Mehro because his father was a wealthy person.
(c) Fill in the blanks.  (05) 
(i) Begam Nihal draws her dome-shaped ___________.
(ii) Dante had two brushed in her __________.
(iii) 'Yes, you were right it's going to be wet __________
(iv) Okonkwo was compared to the little bird __________ for his breaking the week of peace.
(v) The Director of the Companies was our captain and our __________
Question No.2 is COMPULSORY. Attempt any FOUR questions from the remaining. 
2. Write short answers of the following in four to five lines. 
(i) Trace the role of Russian in 'Heart of Darkness'.
(ii) What does the Congo river symbolize in 'Heart of Darkness'.
(iii) Why did Stephen's class mates maltreat him?
(iv) Describe the reminiscences of the child in the beginning of the novel 'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man'.
(v) Describe an instance of humour in 'Things Fall Apart'.
(vi) How did Okonkwo prove himself a successful negotiator?
(vii) Describe Nancy Ramsay in your own words.
(viii) Describe the role of Mrs. Ramsay as a perfect host.
(ix) What was the treatment meted out to Begum Habibuddin when her husband died?
(x) Describe Mir Nihal's condition as presented in the last paragraph of the novel.
3. Discuss symbolism in 'Twilight in Delhi'. (15)
4. Critically analyse the motifs of sin and guilt in 'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man'. (15)
5. How far 'Heart of Darkness' carries us to the domains of evil inside man? (15)
6. 'Things Fall Apart' throws light on the role of women in the Igbo society. Elaborate. (15)
7. How far Virginia Woolf succeeds in the use of the Stream of Consciousness Technique in the novel 'To the Lighthouse'. (15)
8. Discuss various trends in the modern novels. (15)
7. YEAR 2013 (1st Annual)
Objective Part is COMPULSORY. Attempt any FOUR questions from Subjective Part.
1. Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (20) 
(i) Why did Stephen go to the Rector of the College?
(ii) What is the major theme of 'A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man'?
(iii) Write a note on the unspeakable rites in 'Heart of Darkness'.
(iv) Who attacks the steamboat as it reaches the Inner Station?
(v) Describe Cam Ramsay in your own words.
(vi) What does the lighthouse symbolize in 'To the Lighthouse'?
(vii) What is the meaning of the title 'Things Fall Apart'?
(viii) Why is Okonkwo against his father?
(ix) What do you know about Musteri Bai?
(x) How did Mrs. Nihal busy herself after becoming blind?
2. 'Marlow is illuminated in the Heart of Darkness'. Discuss with reference to 'Heart of Darkness' by Conard. (20)
3. What led Stephen to become an artist? (20)
4. 'The white man is very clear ...... He has put a knife on things that held us together and we have fallen apart'. Elaborate this statement by Obierika in 'Things Fall Apart'. (20)
5. What is the main theme of Virginia Woolf's 'To the Lighthouse'? (20)
6. Analyze Ahmed Ali's art of characterization in 'Twilight in Delhi'. (20)
7. What are the salient features of modern English novel? (20)
8. YEAR 2014 (1st Annual)
Objective Part is COMPULSORY. Attempt any FOUR questions from Subjective Part. 
1. Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (20) 
(i) Who was Osu? Where was he buried? How was he treated by the villagers?
(ii) Who followed the pot bearers in 'Uri' ceremony of Obierika's daughter?
(iii) What are the positive aspects of Muslims shown by Ahmed Ali in the novel?
(iv) What is the significance of cat's episode in 'Twilight in Delhi'?
(v) Why did Stephen go to the Rector of the College?
(vi) Compare Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay.
(vii) Why is Marlowe telling us this story? What does he want to get out of it?
(viii) How does Conrad complicate the idea of colonization being 'good'? What kind of negative effects does it have on both white men and the black men of Africa?
(ix) What is the effect of the passage of time in 'To the Lighthouse'?
(x) What do you know about Mrs. Nihal?
2. Ikemefuna is the most tragic figure in the novel. Discuss. (20)
3. Comment on the cultural clashes in the 'Twilight in Delhi'. (20)
4. Justify the title 'Twilight in Delhi'. (20)
5. What is the major theme of the novel 'A Portrait of an Artist As a Young Man'. (20)
6. If 'To the Lighthouse' is a novel about the search for meaning in life, how do the characters conduct their search? Are they successful in finding an answer? (20)
7. Interpret Kurtz's dying words ('The horror! The horror!"). What do they mean? What are the possible 'horrors' to which he is referring? Why is Marlowe the recipient of Kurtz's last words? (20)


1. YEAR 2008 (2nd Annual)
1. (a) Choose the correct option. (05) 
(i) Belsey wrote ____________ (novels, critical practices, politics, morals)
(ii) Raymond Williams was __________ (critic, novelist, dramatist, story writer)
(iii) The poet is the product of a __________ (culture, society, impulse, imagination)
(iv) Imitation is a mirror of __________ (art, poetry, society, mankind)
(v) Response of suffering is ___________ (remorse, redemption, painful, reactionary)
(b) Write True or False. (10) 
(i) A poem may be prosaic and piece of prose may be poetic.
(ii) A critic is perfect and advanced in understanding a piece of Literature.
(iii) The role of a critic is to advise the writers.
(iv) A real poem or fiction may cause a deeper and wider critical theory.
(v) Aristotle does not arrive in relation to man.
(vi) Aristotle does not arrive at the conception of an ideal structure of tragedy.
(vii) A person having contradictions in himself can understand person much better.
(viii) Eye and knowledge do not come together but object and subject.
(ix) Language is indefinitely productive.
(x) Meaning is a fixed essence.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) History is the most __________ form of Literature.
(ii) Tragedy has its __________ appeal.
(iii) Tension of __________ are basis of tragedy.
(iv) Secular ideas __________ after Renaissance.
(v) The Greeks had __________ values in Tragic Hero.
2. Answer every questions in two lines. (20) 
(i) What is the place of cathersis in tragedy?
(ii) What is 'Anti-climax' is drama?
(iii) What is Balled in poetry?
(iv) What is the importance of plot in tragedy?
(v) Define the term 'mock epic'.
(vi) Explain Renaissance in two lines.
(vii) What is unnecessary Jorgon?
(viii) What does common sense propose?
(ix) What do you mean by utilitarianism?
(x) What do you mean by Hegel and Hegelians?
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point. 
3. What are the three dramatic unities? What is the justification of their use in drama? (20)
4. Discuss Raymond Williams as a critic. (20)
5. What contributions did Lecan and Macherey make to be the modern critical method? Discuss with reference to Belsey's critical practice. (20)
6. What is the importance of contemporary ideas in evolution of tragedy according to Raymond Williams? (20)
7. Describe in your own words the modern critical method in the light of Belsey's critical practice. (20)
Critically evaluate the following: (20)
When all the worlds is young, lad
And all the tree are green;
And every goose is a swam, lad,
And every lass a queen;
They hey for boot and horse, lad;
And round the world away;
Young blood must have its course, lad
And every dog his day.
Steaming through metal landscape on her lines;
She plunges new eras of wild happiness,
Where speed throws up strange shapes;
Broad Curves;
And parallel clean like the steel of Guns,
And last further than Edinburg or Rome
Beyond the crest of the world
She reaches night,
Where only a low stream line brightness
Of phosphorus on the tossing hills is light. 
2. YEAR 2009 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the correct option. (05) 
(i) According to Aristotle the tragic hero must be: (good, bad, no good nor bad, a common man)
(ii) Poetry appeals to: (mind, emotion, sight, aesthetic sense)
(iii) Elegy is derived from Greek word for a song of: (happiness, mourning, beauty, tranquility)
(iv) Tragedy is different from comedy because of: (object, means of imitation, manners of imitation, plot)
(v) Raymond William's concept of tragedy is: (Marxist, Capitalist, Aristocratic, Metaphysical)
(b) Tick True or False. (10)
(i) Comedy brings pleasure.
(ii) Aristotle stressed upon characters greatness.
(iii) Similes and metaphors add beauty in poetry.
(iv) The role of a critic is to admire the writer.
(v) A great piece of Literature possesses a limited appeal.
(vi) Every language is productive.
(vii) Literature has not concern with history and tradition.
(viii) The followers of Marx always try to give art only one adjective 'Progressive'.
(ix) Poetry is not spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.
(x) The writer's views play an important role in creating the atmosphere of tragedy.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Raymond Williams died in __________.
(ii) Cathrine Belsey belonged to ___________.
(iii) Comedy deals with __________.
(iv) Raymond Williams is a recognized critic of ___________.
(v) Spenserian stanza contains ___________ lines.
2. Answer the following questions. Answer should be in one or two lines. (20) 
(i) What is Raymond Williams concept of tragedy?
(ii) What does Plato say about poetry?
(iii) What is the opinion of Aristotle about three unities in the play?
(iv) What subject does Belsey deal in critical practice?
(v) What is the importance of plot in Greek Tragedy?
(vi) What is rhetorical prose?
(vii) What is the difference between poetry and prose?
(viii) What is the difference between novel and short story?
(ix) What is the importance of character in modern play?
(x) The subject of 'Republic' is politics. Comment.
Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point.
3. What are the four essentials of characterization according to Aristotle? (15)
4. What are the methods of extracting meanings out of creative text as described by Catherine Belsey? (15)
5. Critically examine Raymond Williams essay 'Tragedy and the Traditions'. What relationship does Raymond Williams discover between tragedy and contemporary ideas? (15)
6. What relationship does Raymond Williams discover between tragedy and contemporary ideas? (15)
7. What are the various types of plot as narrated by Aristotle? (15)
8. Critically evaluate ONE of the following poems. (15)
(i) If we got rid of wathes
The trains would cease to run,
We could not fight a battle ship
Or aim at battle gun.
Nor tune the little engines
Which fill the towns with fumes
And send men with a vengeance
Quite rightly to their tombs
If we got rid of watches
And wanted to approach
The Pallid peopled cites
We'd have to hire a coach
Our gated were strong, our walls were thick
So smooth and high, no man could win,
A foothold here, no clever trick
Could take us, have us dead or quick
Only a bird could have got in.
What could they offer us for bait?
Out captain was brave and we were true
There was a little private gate
The wizened warder let them through
3. YEAR 2010 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the most correct answer. (05) 
(i) Raymond Williams was a: (novelist, critic, dramatist, Marxist)
(ii) Belsey wrote about: (novel, critical practices, politics, morals)
(iii) A tragic hero is liked for his: (innocence, indolence, simplicity, tragic end)
(iv) Raymond Williams was born in: (England, Oxford, Cambridge, Lancaster)
(v) Raymond William's concept of tragedy is: (Marxist, Aristotelian, Shakespearean, Hegel)
(b) Tick True or False. (10) 
(i) Aristotle was influenced by Homer.
(ii) A poet is product of society.
(iii) Imitation is mirror of life.
(iv) The character is more important than plot.
(v) Evil conquers in comedy.
(vi) Catherine Belsey belonged to England.
(vii) Belsey was a novelist.
(viii) Aristotle was a Greek philosopher.
(ix) Plato wrote Republic.
(x) Epics are seldom popular.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Raymond Williams is a recognized critic of __________.
(ii) Belsey wrote about ___________.
(iii) Aristotle admired his teacher ___________.
(iv) Comic Hero is liked for his ___________.
(v) Tragic Hero is the ___________ figure.
2. Write short answers of the following in one or two lines. (20) 
(i) 'A poem may be prosaic'. Is it possible?
(ii) Is every critic perfect in understanding?
(iii) What is the difference between comedy and tragedy?
(iv) What are the three unities in a plat?
(v) Is language a tool for productivity?
(vi) 'Meaning is a fixed essence'. Explain.
(vii) Eye and knowledge are object and subject. Explain.
(viii) What is the place of suffering in tragedy?
(ix) What are the three meanings of imitation?
(x) Real poem can cause deeper critical taste. Explain.
Attempt any FOUR questions, including question No. 8 which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry equal marks. 
3. The tragic pleasure is that of pity and fear and the poet has to produce it by a work of imitation. Discuss in the light of the concept of Imitation by Aristotle. (15)
4. Discuss Aristotle's Theory of Tragedy with reference to any tragedy that you have read. (15)
5. How does Raymond Williams trace the rank of the tragic hero from the Classical to the modern time? (15)
6. What, according to Belsey, is the difference between Common Sense and Critical Theory? (15)
7. Differentiate between the Dialectical and the Rhetorical text. How does each determine the role of the reader differently? Discuss in the light of Catherine Belsey's Critical Practice. (15)
8. Critically evaluate ONE of the following poems. (15) 
(i) She looks at me with innocent eyes.
Ans breathes the sound of butterflies
She dances by in graceful glide,
She lights the way to love.
In tinkled, fairly tones she sings
And bids me dance in rainbow rings
To climb the stairs of crystal light,
She takes my heart in loving hands,
To live among the stars.
(ii) Every one suddenly burst out singing
And I was filled with such delight
And prisoned birds must find their freedom
Winging wildly across the white
Orchards and dark green field; on; on; and out of sight
Every one's voice was suddenly lifted,
And beauty came like the setting sun
My heart was shaken with tears; and horror
Drifted away .......... but every one
Was a bird, and the song was wordless,
The singing will never be done.
4. YEAR 2011 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the most correct answer. (05) 
(i) Catherine Belsey analysis is more particular about: (human experience, man's subconscious, superstitions, human psychology)
(ii) 'The Waste Land' is written by: (Shakespeare, Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, James Joyce)
(iii) A tragic hero is liked for his: (innocence, indolence, bravery, tragic end)
(iv) Mock Epic is a kind of satiric writing which deals with: (lofty aims, lowly subjects, serious moods, melancholy)
(v) A poet is a product of: (culture, society, impulse, tradition)
(b) Write True or False. (10) 
(i) In modern tragedy heroes and heroines are great men and women.
(ii) Galsworthy adopted the technique of Shakespeare.
(iii) Completely virtuous man is suitable for Shakespearean tragedy.
(iv) Bertolt Brecht was a communist playwright.
(v) Raymond Williams was a short story writer.
(vi) Evil conquers in drama of life.
(vii) Aristotle was the teacher of Socrates.
(viii) The idea of tragedy must be related with the past.
(ix) In classical tragedy, the stress was put on dignified endurance.
(x) Raymond Williams posits himself as a omniscient critics.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Tragedy represents __________ which is complete in itself.
(ii) Raymond Williams is famous for his book ___________.
(iii) According to Belsey's point of view human mind can be divided into __________ portions.
(iv) Literature helps to develop man's __________ qualities.
(v) Hegal says beauty provides us intellectual and __________ freedom.
2. Write short answers of the following in one or two lines. (20) 
(i) Define the term comedy.
(ii) Meaning is a fixed essence. Explain.
(iii) What is the difference between poetry and prose?
(iv) Define the term Renaissance.
(v) What is heroic couplet?
(vi) Define the terms classicism and romanticism.
(vii) What is Elegy?
(viii) What were the themes of Medieval Drama?
(ix) Define the term comic relief.
(x) What is the role of a reader in reading a text?
Attempt any FOUR questions including questions No. 8 which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry equal marks. 
3. What are the three dramatic unities? What is the justification of their use in drama? (15)
4. Discuss Aristotle's concept of imitation. (15)
5. What is the importance of contemporary ideas in evolution of tragedy according to Raymond Williams? (15)
6. Describe in your own words the modern critical method in the light of Belsey's Critical Practice? (15)
7. What, according to Belsey, is the difference between common sense and critical theory?
8. Critically evaluate ONE of the following poems:
(i) He thought he'd list perhaps
Off-hand like ___ Just as I ___
Was out of work ___ had sold his traps ___
No other reason why.
Yes: quaint and curious was is!
You shoot a fellow down
You'd treat if met where any bar is,
Or help to half -a- crown.
(ii) Yet Law abiding scholars write;
Law is neither wrong nor right,
Law is only crimes
Punished by place and by times
Law is the clothes men wear
Any time, any where,
Law is good morning and good night.
Others say, others say
Law is no more
Law has gone away.
5. YEAR 2012 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the most correct answer. (05) 
(i) Aristotle divides tragedy into six different: (poems, books, chapters, parts)
(ii) The term 'peripeteia' used by Aristotle means: (recognition, error, reversal, plot)
(iii) Cathersis means: (enmity, purgation, medicine, suffering)
(iv) Catherine Belsey's books include: Desire, Love Stories in Western Culture, The Loss of Eden and: (Practical Age, Practical Criticism, Great Tradition, Critical Practice)
(v) Raymond Williams called his theoretical approach: (cultural materialism, dialectic materialism, industrial capitalism, existentialism)
(b) Write True or False against each statement. (10) 
(i) Comedy tends to represent the agents as better, then tragedy as worse than the men of the present day.
(ii) Poetry has its origin in four natural instincts.
(iii) Aristotle subordinated character to plot.
(iv) Unity of action is the primary unity.
(v) Plato and Aristotle had same views on the Fine Arts.
(vi) Plot is different from story.
(vii) Raymond Williams believed that Literature should be studied in its historical context.
(viii) Expressive realism is a critical practice.
(ix) Poetry is an imitation of life.
(x) Tragedy appeals more than comedy.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Elegy is a song of __________
(ii) __________ is a tale either in prose or verse which has a double meaning.
(iii) Raymond William was one of the leading literary intellectuals in the later __________ century.
(iv) Raymond Williams is known as __________ critic.
(v) Catherine Belsey was born in __________
Question No. 2 is COMPULSORY. Attempt any FOUR questions from the remaining. 
2. Write short answers of the following. (20)
(i) What is the difference between plot and story?
(ii) What is literary criticism?
(iii) What are the main features of the 20th century?
(iv) What does Belsey mean by 'Expressive Realism'?
(v) Is satire different from irony?
(vi) What is the difference between form and content?
(vii) How do plays differ from novels and poems?
(viii) Who opposes the hero in a play?
(ix) What is the difference between comedy and tragedy?
(x) Among the three unities, which one is called Aristotelian?
3. 'Tragedy, through pity and fear, effect the proper cathersis of these emotions' (Aristotle). Expound and discuss. (15)
4. 'The tragic hero', according to Aristotle, 'should be a man who is not eminently good and just, yet whose misfortune is brought not by vice or depravity, but by some error of frailty'. Critically examine this view. (15)
5. 'Raymond Williams is a great critic of our times'. How? Explain in the light of 'Modern Tragedy'. (15)
6. Critically assess Raymond Williams Concept of 'Tragedy and Tradition'. (15)
7. Where does the meaning lie, in the text, reader, writer or the structure? Explain in the light of Catherine Belsey's text. (15)
8. Critically evaluate ONE of the following poems: (15) 
(i) Never seek to tell the love
Love that never told can be;
For the gentle wind does move
Silently, invisibly,
I told my love, I told my love,
I told her all my heart,
Trembling cold, in ghastly fears-
Ah, she doth part
Soon as he was gone from me
A traveler came by
Silently, invisible ----
O, was no deny
(ii) I will drain
Long draughts of quiet
As a purgation
Twice daily
Who I am;
Will lie o' nights
In the bony arms
Of Reality and be comforted.
6. YEAR 2013 (1st Annual)
Objective Part is COMPULSORY. Attempt any FOUR questions from Subjective Part.
1. Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (20) 
(i) Why does Aristotle consider a saintly figure inappropriate to be a tragic hero?
(ii) What do you understand by consistently inconsistent character?
(iii) What does Aristotle mean by the singleness of in tragedy?
(iv) What are the formative elements of a tragedy, given by Aristotle?
(v) What does the term hamartia mean?
(vi) What are the three kinds of the texts mentioned by Belsey?
(vii) What do you understand by the term 'Expressive Realism' as used by Belsey?
(viii) What, according to Lacan, are the three stages of child development?
(ix) Why tragedy, today, is linked to the life of common modern man?
(x) Write the names of German philosophers, Williams refers in his essays.
2. How does Belsey prove in 'Critical Practice' that there is no criticism without ideology? (20)
3. Aristotle gives an exalted view of plot in 'Poetics'. Discuss. (20)
4. What does Raymond Williams mean by Rejection of Tragedy? Explain. (20)
5. Write a comparative note on the concept of Classical Tragedy, Medieval Tragedy and Modern Tragedy as discussed by Raymond Williams. (20)
6. Write a comprehensive note on the function of tragedy as discussed by Aristotle. (20)
7. Critically evaluate any ONE of the two excerpts given below: (20) 
(i) The free bird thinks of another breeze
And the trade winds soft though the sighing trees
And the fat worms waiting on a dawn bright lawn
And he names the sky his own.
But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
His shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
His wings are clipped and his feet are tied
So he opens his throat to sing.
The cage bird sings
With a fearful thrill
Of things unknown
But longed for still
And his tune is heard
On the distant hill
For the caged bird
Sings of freedom.
(ii) NATURE is what we see,
The Hill, the Afternoon ___
Squirrel, Eclipse, the Bumble-bee,
Nay ___ Nature is Heaven.
Nature is what we hear,
The Bobolink, the Sea ___
Thunder, the Cricket ___
Nay, ___ Nature is Harmony
Nature is what we know
But have no art to say,
So impotent our wisdom is
To Her simplicity.
7. YEAR 2014 (1st Annual)
Objective Part is COMPULSORY. Attempt any FOUR questions from Subjective Part. 
1. Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (20) 
(i) In what three ways does Aristotle differentiate various art forms form one another?
(ii) What is the Probable impossibility as discussed by Aristotle?
(iii) Which comment of T.S. Eliot does Brooks quote about 'Beauty is truth'?
(iv) What is a 'Sylvan historian' according to Brooks?
(v) How does Sidney refute the allegation against poetry being the mother of lies?
(vi) How has Sidney established that poetry is antique and universal in nature?
(vii) What was Sidney's approach on Plato's banishment of poets from his ideal republic?
(viii) What is Belsey's opinion about Saussure's theory?
(ix) What analogy does T.S. Eliot use for the poet's mind?
(x) What do you understand by the term 'historical sense' as introduced by T.S. Eliot?
2. Is Aristotle's conception of plot organic or mechanical? Explain. (20)
3. What were the objections against poetry that Sidney chose to answer? Evaluate Sidney's answers critically. (20)
4. Eliot's essay 'The Metaphysical Poets' has brought about a revaluation and reassessment of Donne and other Metaphysical poets, and has caused a revival of interest in these poets who had been neglected for a considerable time. Comment. (20)
5. Claenth Brooks proposed his methods for the analysis of poetry by making the closest examination of what the poem says as a poem. How does he employ this method while he discusses/analyses different poems? (20)
6. What do we find the meaning of the text: in the author's head? In the readers, or do we, instead, make meaning in the practice of reading itself? If so, what part do our own values play in the process of interpretation? Discuss with reference to Belsey's 'Critical Practice'. (20)
7. Critically analyse any ONE of the given texts. (20) 
(i) Where had I heard this wind before.
Change like this to a deeper road?
What would it take may standing there for,
Holding open a restive door,
Looking open a restive door,
Summer was past and the day was past
Somber clouds in the west were massed.
Out on the porch's sagging floor,
Leaves got up in a coil and hissed,
Blindly struck at my knee and missed
Something sinister in the tone
Told me my secret must be known:
Word I was in my life alone,
Word I had no one left but God.
(ii) Somewhere I have never traveled gladly beyond
Any experience, your eyes have their silence:
In your most frail gestures are things which enclose me,
Or which I cannot touch because they are too near
Your slightest look will easily unclose me
Though I have closed myself as fingers,
You open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
(touching skillfully, mysteriously) her first rose.



1. YEAR 2008 (2nd Annual)
1. (a) Choose the correct option. (05)
(i) E.A. Poe was ___________ (English, Polish, Irish, American)
(ii) Anton Chekhov was primarily a __________ (poet, dramatist, critic, novelist)
(iii) 'The Judgment' is written by __________ (James Joyce, Maupassant, Chekhov, Kafka)
(iv) Achebe belongs to __________ (Ireland, America, Nigeria, England)
(v) Nadine Gordimor won for Literature __________ (Pultizer Prize, Nobel Prize, Oscar Award, Rhode Scholarship)
(b) Point out True or False. (10) 
(i) Nagvib Mahfouz turns myth into history.
(ii) F.O. Connor is a British writer.
(iii) Franze Kafka's writings deal with absurdism.
(iv) Doris Lessing was born in Persia.
(v) Catholic mindset is an essential element in F.O. Connor's short stories.
(vi) Ali A. Mazrui won fame as a dramatist.
(vii) William Trevor is best known as a poet.
(viii) V.S. Naipaul was an Indian writer.
(ix) Army Tan prospered as a business writer.
(x) Hemingway died of heart attack.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) E.A. Poe's stories usually deal with __________.
(ii) The Ukrainian tongue in its sweetness reminds of the ___________.
(iii) 'A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man' is written by ___________.
(iv) The character of Halma appears in __________.
(v) The pseudonym of Hanif Qureshi was __________.
2. Write short answers in only one or two lines. (20) 
(i) Name any two features of South Africa in Garmdimor's 'Once Upon a Time'.
(ii) Define short story.
(iii) How estranged people come together in calamity? (The Voice)
(iv) Where does the greatness of E.A. Poe lie?
(v) How does Doris Lessing describe her childhood?
(vi) What did Mrs. Lethwes find about her husband's other women in the letter?
(vii) Why did the police call at all the mosques in 'The Fort'?
(viii) What was given by the old witch to her son and his wife as Christmas gift? (Once Upon a Time)
(ix) What is the major theme and language in Kaman Brathwaite's Short Stories?
(x) On what account has Alice Walker been criticized?
Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. 
3. In D.H. Lawrence's work men and women of our times have found their own restlessness most accurately mirrored. Discuss. (15)
4. Trace the ambivalent relationship between father and son in F.Kafka's 'The Judgment'. (15)
5. The individual, collective and cultural tensions are released in the modern short stories. (15)
6. In 'The Voice from the Wall' Army Tan reveals her insight into the alienation experienced by those who are displaced from their own surroundings. Discuss. (15)
7. Comment on the element of retrospective autobiography in Sara Suleri's 'The Property of a Woman'. (15)
8. Write a short essay on the essential elements of the short story. How does it differ from the novel? (15)
2. YEAR 2009 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the correct option. (05) 
(i) Ernest Hemingway was awarded for Nobel Prize in: (1900, 1954, 1978, 1939)
(ii) Friel's plays mostly deal with: (passion, logical realism, Hellenism, identity)
(iii) George Benkmann in 'The Judgment' was a: (young businessman, lawyer, clerk, teacher)
(iv) The character of 'Ali' in 'My Son the Fanatic' is represented as: (cricketer, a foot baller, drug addict killer, a teacher)
(v) Joyce's works illustrate the traditions of: (Catholic Church, Renaissance spirit, Reformation, Protestantism)
(b) Point out True or False. (10) 
(i) Gul Badan was Halima's oldest child.
(ii) Pasha commented that the Egyptians are a people whose main diet is beans.
(iii) In 'Strong Horse Tea' Rannie Toomer used to like old home remedies.
(iv) Belikov's tiny bedroom was like a box. (The Man Who Lived in a Shell)
(v) In 'The Judgement' George Bendmann was a software engineer.
(vi) Hanif Kureshi grew up experiencing the racial and cultural clashes.
(vii) Ernest Hemingway was an American writer.
(viii) Pictchell usually described lower middle class people.
(ix) William Trevor is best known as a poet.
(x) Nagib Mahfooz won the Noble Prize in 1990.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) Mauspassant is the greatest ___________ story writer.
(ii) Kafka grew up in an atmosphere of familial tension and __________.
(iii) Brial Frial was born in ___________.
(iv) Any Tan prospered as a __________.
(v) Doubleday has published ____________ of Mahfooz's books in English.
2. Answer the following in two lines. (20) 
(i) Describe in two lines Lawrence's view about instincts and intuitions?
(ii) What type of character does Chekhov play?
(iii) In 'My Son the Fanatic' why did Ali give up his studies in according?
(iv) What were the techniques Joyce had used in his works? Just name the two of them.
(v) In 'A Clean Well-Lighted Place' why did the waiters keep watch on the old man? (Old MKIII)
(vi) Define short story.
(vii) In 'The Diviner' what was the reason of Tom's death?
(viii) What is the most prominent feature to which Nadine Gordimer's work deals with?
(ix) What is the dominant theme of William Trevor's stories?
(x) What were the subjects mainly dealt with Anton Chekhov?
Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point. 
3. We are living in a period of enormous variety of tensions, individual, collective, cultural and many others are being released in the short story? Define the short story in the light of the comment. Give examples. (15)
4. Give an elaborate account of the story 'A Sunrise on the Veld' by Dorris Lessing. (15)
5. Critically analyse the story 'The Judgement' by Franz Kafka. (15)
6. Hemingway is particularly known for stylistic minimalism. Discuss with reference to the story 'A Clean Well-Lighted Place'. (15)
7. How does Naguib Mehfooz relate the myth to history in the story 'The Mummy Awakens'. (15)
8. Analyse the theme of 'The Man Who Lived in a Shell' by Anton Chekhov. (15)
3. YEAR 2010 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the most correct answer. (05)
(i) William Trevor is __________. (a British, an American, a Scottish, an Irish)
(ii) H.E. Bates' novels and short stories have been translated into ___________ languages. (23, 16, 11, 12)
(iii) Nadine Gordimer won __________ for Literature. (Pulitzer Prize, Noble Prize, Oscar Award, Rhode Scholarship)
(iv) Friel's plays deal with __________. (passion, logical realism, Hellenism, Identity)
(v) In 'The Property of Women', Sara Suleri depicts ___________ culture. (Indian, Lahori, Kashmiri, Arabian)
(b) Point out True or False. (10) 
(i) 'The Judgement' by Kafka is a depiction of the tension between isolation of modern man and societal expectation.
(ii) In 'A Clean Well Lighted Place' the author presents the joys of life in all aspects.
(iii) Dorris Lessing was born in France.
(iv) V.S. Naipul was an Indian writer.
(v) Nadine Gordimer's works deal with the search of identity.
(vi) Hanif Kureshi grew up experiencing the social and cultural clashes.
(vii) In 'The Diviner' Tom was killed by drawing into the sea.
(viii) In 'The Man of the Crown' the narrator is reading newspaper in the opening scene.
(ix) A short story is a prose narrative.
(x) F.O. Connor is a British writer.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) In 'Dream Haiti', the narrator is a Haitian __________.
(ii) In 'Strong Horse Tea', Rannie is waiting for white ____________.
(iii) 'A Day' is written by ___________.
(iv) E.A. Poe's stories usually deal with ___________.
(v) Ben Okri was a __________ novelist.
2. Write short answers of the following in one or two lines. (20)
(i) What is the main theme of 'The Property of Woman' by Sara Suleri?
(ii) Define short story.
(iii) Why did the old man in 'A Clean Well Lighted Place' try to commit suicide?
(iv) Who is the main character in 'The Sunrise in the Veld' by Dorris Lessing?
(v) What is the theme of 'The Man Who Lived in a Shell' by Anton Chekhov?
(vi) Where did Juianand his mother plan to go in the beginning of the story? 'Every Thing that Rises must Converge'.
(vii) What are the main subjects in V.S. Naipul's works?
(viii) What is the dominant theme of 'The Mummy Awakens' by Naguib Mahfouz?
(ix) What was the reason of Tom's death in 'The Diviner'?
(x) What were the subjects, mainly dealt by Ernest Hemingway?
Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. 
3. The Tale is a manifestation of a culture's desire to name its place and the sketch depicts some phenomenon of one culture. Discuss short story as a fusion of sketch and tale. (15)
4. James Joyce's 'The Dead' defies the conventional from the short story regarding its characterization and stylistic techniques. Discuss. (15)
5. Discuss the relationship of George with his father in 'The Judgment' by Franz Kafka. (15)
6. Give a critical commentary of the story 'Dream Haiti' by Kamau Braithwait. (15)
7. What is the author's primary goal in writing 'The Voice from the Wall'? (15)
8. How does Naguib Mahfouz relate the myth to the history in the story 'The Mummy Awakens'? (15)
4. YEAR 2011 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Choose the most correct answer. (05) 
(i) William Trevor is __________ author. (a British, an American, A Scottish, An Irish)
(ii) 'Once Upon a Time' by Nadine Gormimer is a story of a family living in the suburb of: (Ireland, Scotland, South Africa, England)
(iii) In 'The Mummy Awakes' Pasha's elegant salon was filled with: (cosmetics, books, words of arts, clothes)
(iv) The character of Belikov is 'The Man Who Lived in a Shell" is: (a teacher of Greek, a business man, a painter, an artist)
(v) In 'The Fort', the last words of the old woman who was struck by the car are: (O God, help me, church, death)
(b) Point out True or False. (10) 
(i) William Trevor was very much influenced by Ezra Pound.
(ii) George Berrdemann is a journalist in 'The Judgement' by Kafka.
(iii) The late Pasha was one the the richest men in Egypt.
(iv) Most of the Lessing's works are autobiographical and reflect childhood.
(v) Short story is a prose narrative.
(vi) Hemingway is an Irish novelist.
(vii) 'Once Upon a Time' is a modern fairy tale.
(viii) Nadine Godrimer was a founding method of congress of South African Writers.
(ix) Tabasco in 'What the Tapster Saw' by Ben Okri was renowned doctor.
(x) 'The Voice' by Pritchett focuses on the psychological reaction of the character.
(c) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) In 'Everything that Rises must Converge', Julian's mother refers to Blacks as the _________ class.
(ii) Braithwaite is a __________ historian.
(iii) In 'Civil Peace' by Chinua Achebe, Jonathan is a _________ by profession.
(iv) Chekhov's characters are _________ by standards in regard to their lives.
(v) _________ is the name of Pasha's dog in 'The Mummy Awakes'.
2. Write short answers of the following in one or two lines. (20) 
(i) Why did the family imprison itself in 'Once Upon a Time' by Gordimer?
(ii) To Lewis, who was the nearest human thing to the devil in 'The Voice' by Pritchett?
(iii) Why did the man want an island all of his own in 'The Man Who Loved Islands' by Lawrence?
(iv) Who is Miss Furlong in 'The Dead' by Joyce?
(v) How did George did in 'The Judgment; by Kafka?
(vi) What is Doris Lessing's view about unhappy childhoods?
(vii) How many turtles did the tapster saw lazing at teh edge of boreholes? (What the Tapster Saw by Ben Okri)
(viii) How many languages H.E. Bates' stories have been translated into?
(ix) What does the old writer's use of the term 'Neda' suggest in 'A Clean Well Lighted Place' by Hemingway?
(x) Define short story.
Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. 
3. Discuss short story as a distinct and autonomous genre. (15)
4. What is the dominant theme of 'Strong Horse Tea' by Alice Walker? Illustrate from the text. (15)
5. 'In D.H. Lawrence's work men and women of our times have found their own restlessness most accurately mirrored'. Comment. (15)
6. 'A Clean Well Lighted Place' is a prime example of Hemingway's craftsmanship and insight into human condition. Elaborate. (15)
7. Discuss the dominant theme in 'The Man of the Crowd' by E.A. Poe. (15)
8. Critically analyse the story 'The Judgment' by Kafka. (15)
5. YEAR 2013 (1st Annual)
Objective Part is COMPULSORY. Attempt any FOUR questions from Subjective Part.
1. Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (20) 
(i) What was the title of the first short story collection by James Joyce and when was it published?
(ii) What is the story of Jonathan's bicycle in 'Civil Peace'?
(iii) Briefly describe the character of Hillyard in 'The Night Watch Man's Occurrence Book'.
(iv) What was the reason of Tom's death in 'The Diviner'?
(v) Where was Naguib Mahfouz born and how 'The Mummy Awakens' is related to his birth place?
(vi) What are the elements of a short story? Briefly describe one of them.
(vii) What were the last words of Mawana Safia (old lady) in 'The Mother and the Fort'?
(viii) Where was another Chekhov from and what were the subjects mainly dealt by him?
(ix) Why did the family imprison itself in 'Once Upon a Time' by Gordimer?
(x) What does Henry's father Alfred want to be in 'The Woman Who had Imagination'?
2. 'Most modern short stories portray the fragmentation and conflict of our lives'. Discuss with reference to two short stories included in your syllabus. (20)
3. Elaborate the ambivalent relationship between father and son in F.Kafka's 'The Judgment'. (20)
4. What is the symbolic significance of Lahore in 'The Property of Women' by Sara Suleri? (20)
5. Justify the title of the story 'The Dead' by James Joyce. (20)
6. 'My Son the Fanatic' focuses on the dilemma of living in a cross-cultural society. Discuss. (20)
7. Hemingway is particularly known for stylistic minimalism. Discuss with reference to the story 'A Clean Well Lighted Place'. (20)
6. YEAR 2014 (1st Annual)
Objective Part is COMPULSORY. Attempt any FOUR questions from Subjective Part. 
1. Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (20) 
(i) What is the difference between short story and novel?
(ii) Why did the old man try to commit suicide in 'A Clean Well Lighted Place'?
(iii) Why did Ali give up his studies in 'My Son the Fanatic'?
(iv) What is the dominant theme of 'The Mummy Awakes'?
(v) Why does Hemingway use the term 'Neda' in 'A Clean Well Lighted Place'?
(vi) What is the theme of 'The Man Who Lived in a Shell' by Chekhov?
(vii) What were the last words of Mawana Safia (old lady) in 'The Mother and the Fort'?
(viii) What is the story of Jonathan's bicycle in 'Civil Peace'?
(ix) What does Heny's father Alfred want to be in 'The Woman Who had Imagination'?
(x) Who is Miss Furlong in 'The Dead' by Joyce?
2. Critically analyse the short story 'A Clean Well Lighted Place' by Hemingway. (20)
3. Men and women in our times have found their own restlessness most accurately mirrored in D.H. Lawrence's work. Comment. (20)
4. How does Naguib Mahfouz relate the myth to history in the story 'The Mummy Awakes'? (20)
5. Analyse the theme of 'The Man Who Lived in a Shell' by Anton Chekhov. (20)
6. Comment on the element of retrospective autobiography in Sara Suleri's 'The Property of a Woman'. (20) 7. Write a comprehensive note on the art of short story. (20)


1. YEAR 2008 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Explain with examples any FIVE of the following. (10) 
(i) Vowel and Diphthong
(ii) Consonant Cluster
(iii) Fluency and Accuracy
(iv) Syllable and Stress Timing
(v) Morphology and Syntax
(vi) Chain and Choice
(b) Analyze the following sentences into their elements of structure (S-V-O-C-A) as illustrated. (10) 
Shahid     ate     all mangoes     quickly.
     S           T              O                    A 
(i) I am really unaware of the facts.
(ii) Don't be afraid of monkeys.
(iii) Can you give me a lift today.
(iv) Everybody is complaining against his attitude.
(v) You must apologize for the delay in submitting your assignment.
2. (a) Identify the following sentences as true or false. (10) 
(i) Phonology is concerned with the meaning of a word.
(ii) Consonants are produced by blocking or hindering the air in some way.
(iii) Grammar is prescriptive.
(iv) In word stress, only words of more than one syllable are marked.
(v) Fixed tunes are used for exaggerated attitudes.
(vi) Tonic syllable is the main stressed syllable.
(vii) All verbs are action words.
(viii) Structural words cannot be pronouns or determiners.
(ix) Adverbs can be used for premodification.
(x) There can be more than two subjects in sentence.
(b) Indicate whether the underline verbs are transitive, intransitive or linking. (10) 
(i) He was not present in the class. ___________.
(ii) I stayed there for a month. ___________
(iii) He carried bitterly. ___________
(iv) They can lift the table. ___________
(v) The boy was upset. ___________
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point.
3. What do you understand by pedagogical and traditional grammar? Discuss in detail. (20)
4. One kind of English accent is no better than any other. Explain this view in the light of a comparison between Received Pronunciation and Pakistani English. (20)
5. Illustrate with examples the following: (20)
(a) Content words undergo change. They can be taken from mother language and are very adoptable.
(b) Structure words are fixed in number, they are not borrowed.
6. Transcribe TEN of the following words into phonetic script. (20)
Measure, Punctuation, Awkward, Interesting, Schedule, Intruder, Pleasant, Notorious, Dictator, Surprise, Obituary, Important.
7. Summarize the differences between behaviourism and mentalism. Also discuss the reasons for Chomsky's attack on Skinner. (20)
2. YEAR 2008 (2nd Annual)
1. (a) Define the following. (10) 
(i) Language Aptitude
(ii) Assimilation and Elision
(iii) Phoneme and Allophone
(iv) Phonetics and Phonology
(v) Morphology and Syntax
(b) Transcribe the following into phonetic transcription. (10)
Religion, Magnitude, Pleasure, Rational, Substantial
2. (a) Identify the following sentences as true or false. (10) 
(i) Structural words belong to an open class. T/F
(ii) The stress pattern of a word is normally flexible. T/F
(iii) When fricative is produced there is audible friction. T/F
(iv) English has various lateral sounds. T/F
(v) It is not possible to have two objects in a sentence. T/F
(vi) Intonation is concerned with the pitch of voice. T/F
(vii) Phonemes can sometimes be unvoiced. T/F
(viii) Errors of chain are more serious than the error of choice. T/F
(ix) Accent is used for the rising-falling tone of the individual. T/F
(x) Pre-modification means adjectives. T/F
(b) Analyse the following sentences into their elements of structure. (S-V-O-C-A)
(i) I am sorry to say that you are very problematic.
(ii) Adam does not like to work with him.
(iii) They are killing people brutally.
(iv) The bus crashed into the pole.
(v) There is no ray of hope.
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point. 
3. According to modern theories of language the teaching of traditional grammar does not facilitate learning. Discuss in detail. (20)
4. What are the advantages of phonetics of an English language teacher? Apply your experience of an ELT teacher to the discussion. (20)
5. Do you think acquiring a language and learning are identical processes. In not what are the differences between the two and how do you think they reinforce one another. Discuss. (20)
6. Comment on the following statement. 'The study of grammar and phonology is fine as part of linguistics, but is of no practical use of the EFL teacher in the classroom.' (20)
7. Why do we use the RP (Received Pronunciation) of British English? State some of its characteristics. (20)
3. YEAR 2009 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Explain any FIVE of the following with examples. (10) 
(i) Triphthong
(ii) Consonant Cluster
(iii) Morphology & Syntax
(iv) Tag-question
(v) Transitivity
(vi) Chain & Choice
(b) Analyze the following sentences with examples into their elements of structure (S-V-O-C-A) as: (10)
All the boys          took part          in the examination
       S                         V                             A      
(i) He made me a piece of cake.
(ii) Don't you perceive the difference?
(iii) Make the servant prepare tea.
(iv) He does't waste time in frivolities.
(v) Fortunately, he goes through the examination.
(c) Identify the following sentences as true or false. (10) 
(i) Phonetics studies production, transmission and perception of speech sounds.
(ii) Consonants are sounds articulated without closure in the mouth or friction.
(iii) Traditional grammar summarized the range of attitudes and methods found in the pre-linguistic era of grammatical study.
(iv) Element of syllable which may follow syllabic nucleus is referred as coda.
(v) Verbs are either modal or auxiliary.
(vi) Socially distinctive variety of language is called idiolect.
(vii) Adjunct refers to an optional or secondary elements in a construction.
(viii) Tone refers to the distinctive pitch level of syllable.
(ix) Morpheme is not the minimal unit of grammar.
(x) Synonyms are words having same orthographic form.
(d) Indicate whether the underlined are transitive, intransitive or limiting verbs. (10) 
(i) He seemed happy enough.
(ii) I typed the whole thing is less than an hour.
(iii) She loves eating mangoes.
(iv) Who is sleeping there?
(v) Di he really do it?
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point. 
2. Discuss in detail Grammar and its types. (20)
3. Pakistani English is distinct with reference to its pronunciation. Discuss citing references to deviations from received pronunciation. (RP). (20)
4. Illustrate the following with examples. (20)
(i) Modal verb serves both as main and auxiliary verb
(ii) Content words are not easier to grasp  
5. Transcribe the following words into phonetic script (Any Ten) (20)
Yes, Measurement, Beautiful, Poor, Bought, Cot, Jubilant, Ferocious, Fire, Adjective, Literacy, Holster,
6. Highlight the difference between literal and figurative language. (20)            
4. YEAR 2010 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Explain the following with examples. (any five) (10) 
(i) Synchrony and Diachrony
(ii) Semantics and Pragmatics
(iii) E-Language and I-Language
(iv) Morph and Allomorph
(v) Phone and Allophone
(vi) Accent and Dialect
(b) Identify the following sentences as True or False. (10) 
(i) An idiolect refers to the linguistic characteristics of and individual speaker.
(ii) Mentalists say that a child is programmed for language learning.
(iii) Every word ending in --ly is an adverb.
(iv) An error can be a sign of progress in language learning.
(v) Some affixes can themselves be words.
(vi) Copula is any form of the verb 'be' used as link between its subject and a following sentence.
(vii) Any of the various sounds produced by raising the front part of the tongue to the palate is called labial sounds.
(viii) The localization of cognitive functions to one or the other side of the brain is called lateralization.
(ix) Verbs and adjectives belong to the closed classes of words.
(x) The difference of /p/ and /d/ is only voice.
(c) Give morphological analysis of the following. (10) 
(i) Unknowingly
(ii) Interminability
(iii) Fulfillment
(iv) Unexplainable
(v) Antidisestablishmentatrianism
(d) Identify the following sentences into S-V-O-A. The first has been given for you. (10) 
The tourists         saw         many places          in Pakistan
         S                   V                  O                          A
(i) In Islamabad they saw the new buildings.
(ii) The guide showed them the national assembly.
(iii) Tomorrow they will visit Taxila in the morning.
(iv) They usually write a lot of letters.
(v) He teaches us English.
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point. 
2. Summarize the properties which differentiate human language from all other forms of signaling and which make it a unique type of communication. (20)
3. What is semantics? Discuss the various types of meanings. (20)
4. What is TG Grammar? In what ways is it an improvement on the Structuralists' view of grammar? Explain. (20)
5. What in your views are the major differences in LI acquisition and L2 learning? (20)
6. (a) Find the phoneme by identifying the sound that is described and make a word using the phoneme. (20)
                                                                           Phoneme                                          Word
(i) Voiceless, palato-alveolar affricative          
(ii) Voiced, alveolar, lateral                            
(iii) Voiced, veral, nasal                                  
(iv) Voiced, fricative, palato alveolar              
(v) Voiced, plosive velar                                
(b) Transcribe any FIVE of the following words into script.
(i) Jump
(ii) Cartoon
(iii) Teacher
(iv) Cabbage
(v) Enormous
(vi) Against
(vii) University
5. YEAR 2011 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Explain the following with examples. (any five) (20) 
(i) Voiced and Voiceless Phonemes
(ii) Competence and Performance
(iii) Phonetics and Phonology
(iv) Onset and Coda
(v) Closed Class Words and Open Class Words
(vi) Homographs and Homophones
(b) Identify the following as True or False. (10) 
(i) Pidgin in a language which starts as a creole.
(ii) The imitation theory claims that children are endowed with Universal Grammar.
(iii) Lateral is a sound produced with air flowing past one or both sides of the tongue.
(iv) In intonation languages, the rise and fall of pitch may contrast meanings of sentences.
(v) Inflectional morphemes changes the syntactic category of words.
(vi) Sentences have structure that cannot be represented by phrase structure trees.
(vii) Metonyms are 'substitute' words.
(viii) Anaphora is the process of replacing longer expression with shorter ones.
(ix) Extension is the reference of an expression.
(x) Phone is phonetic realization of a phoneme.
(c) Give morphological analysis of the following. (10) 
Again, Ball, Joked, Peace, Sympathy, Feature, Reality, Havoc, Religion, Luxury, Quiet, Conscious, Queue, Science.
Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point.
2. Discuss some of the basic processes by which new words are created. (20)
3. Analyze different Lexical Relations and point out the basic relation between following pairs of words. (20)
Shallow, deep       mature, ripe     suite, sweet     table, furniture     single, married
4. Discuss the modern descriptive grammar and draw tree diagrams for the following sentences. (20)
(i) The house on the hill collapsed in the box.
(ii) The children put the toys in the box.
5. Which factors are taken into account by sociolinguistics? (20)
6. (a) Draw a vowel quadrilateral and indicate on the correct places for English vowels.
(b) Give the symbol for each of the following consonants and vowels, and make words using these phonemes.
                                                                Phoneme                                             Word
(i) Voiced, Alveolar stop
(ii) Voiceless, Dental Frivative
(iii) Voiced, Alveolai Nasal
(iv) High Back Terse Vowel
(v) Mid Back Vowel
6. YEAR 2012 (1st Annual)
1. (a) Write True or False against each statement. (10) 
(i) The word 'go' is an infinitive and the words 'to go' are a bare infinitive.
(ii) Speech sounds that are produced with vocal vibration are said to be voiceless.
(iii) An intransitive verb requires on Argument.
(iv) The term Elision is used to describe the omission of a word or words from a sentence.
(v) The omission of a phoneme in speech is called Ellipsis.
(vi) Prosody is a collective term for variation in loudness, pitch and speech rhythm.
(vii) A locutionary act is the saying of something with its meaningful and can be understood.
(viii) The relationship between words and the things, activities, properties, etc., in the outside world, to which they refer is reference.
(ix) The shifting between one dialect or language to another is called Code-Switching.
(x) A geographically based language variety is called Creole.
(b) Transcribe each of the following words into script. (05)
(i) Fish, Thought, Plan, Taste, Laugh
(c) Identify the following sentences into their constituents. Classify each one according to its function as: S-V-O-C or A. The first has been done for you. (05) 
She          bought         a book          for Hamid         last Sunday
 S                V                 O                     C                        A
(i) The man died.
(ii) I love you.
(iii) She gave him some chocolates.
(iv) The milk went sour.
(v) He thought the exam much harder.
Question No. 2 is COMPULSORY. Attempt any THREE questions from the remaining. 
2. Explain any FIVE of the following with example. (20) 
(i) Semantics and Pragmatics
(ii) Markedness and Unmarkedness
(iii) Pitch and Tone
(iv) Determiner and Adverb
(v) Affixation and Clipping
(vi) Form and Substance
(vii) Competence and Performance
(viii) Diachrony and Synchrony
(ix) Signifier and Signified
(x) Assimilation and Elision
3. List the various properties of human language and explain how human language differs from animal communication. (20)
4. (a) What is a syllable? Associate the following words with syllable structure. (10)
Elevate, Torment, Gymnast, Predatory, Monologue
(b) Find the Phoneme by identifying the sound that is described and make a word using the phoneme. (10)
                                                                               Phoneme                                         Word
(i) Voiceless, Velar Plosive
(ii) Voiced, Labio-dental Fricative
(iii) Voiced, Dental Frivative
(iv) Voiced, Palate-alveolar Affricate
(v) Voiced, Palate-alveolar Frivative
5. Define and give at least one example of each of the following:
(i) Lexeme
(ii) Grammatical Word
(iii) Word-form
(iv) Morpheme
(v) Morph
(vi) Allomorph
(vii) Portmanteau morph
(viii) Suppletion
(ix) Empty Morph
(x) Zero Morph
6. (a) Draw the Phase Structure Trees by applying the Phrase Structure Rule given below: (10)
S __________ NP Aux VP
NP __________ Art N PP
PP __________ P NP
VP __________ V NP PP
NP __________ Art N
(b) Draw a Tree Structure for each of the following sentences: (10)
(i) The boy in the tree near the house threw the ball into the yard.
(ii) The professor put the book about Linguistics on the table near the podium.
7. Discuss in detail the Speech Act Theory. (20)
7. YEAR 2013 (1st Annual)
Objective Part is COMPULSORY. Attempt any FOUR questions from Subjective Part.
1. Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (20)
(i) Diachronic Linguistics
(ii) Deep Structure
(iii) Phoneme
(iv) Tone Language
(v) Stress
(vi) Why/w/is not considered a vowel sound?
(vii) Forensic Linguistics
(viii) Hyponymy
(ix) Homonymy
(x) Pragmatics
2. Language can be studied at different levels, identify different levels of linguistic analysis. (20)
3. Does there exit any relationship among language, culture and thought? If so, elaborate your answer with examples. (20)
4. Write a note on foregrounding in Literature. Substantiate your answer with examples. (20)
5. Write a comprehensive note on English Syllable Structure. (20)
6. What is grammar? Give a brief detail of Transformational Generative Grammar. (20)
7. Write a comprehensive note on speech and theory. (20)
8. YEAR 2014 (1st Annual)
Objective Part is COMPULSORY. Attempt any FOUR questions from Subjective Part. 
1. Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (20) 
(i) Auditory and Articulatory Phonetics
(ii) Language Universals
(iii) Creole Language
(iv) Segmental and Supra-Segmental Phonology
(v) Arbitrariness of Language
(vi) Feminist Stylistics
(vii) Bound and Free Morphemes
(viii) Semi Vowels
(ix) Polysemy and Synonymy
(x) Behaviourisitc Theory of Language Learning
2. Does language has a definite origin? Write a comprehensive note on different theories about the origin of language. (20)
3. What is language? Write a note on the micro and macro functions of a human language. (20)
4. Write a detailed description of English consonant sounds with reference to their manner and place of articulation. Support your answer with examples. (20)
5. What is a dialect? Explain how a dialect acquires the status of a standard language? Also elaborate different stages of standardization process. (20)
6. What is meant by style? How is stylistics different from the literary criticism? Write a brief note on the scope of literary and non-literary stylistics. (20)
7. Write a short note on the following. (20)
(i) Implicatures
(ii) Historical Linguistics


1. YEAR 2008 (2nd Annual)
1. (a) Choose the correct option. (05) 
(i) Besides being poet Achebe is widely acclaimed for his: (short stories, novels, plays)
(ii) Arnelia was the daughter of: (married Josefa, Ponica, Bernarda Alba)
(iii) Moniza Ali was born in: (London, Delhi, Lahore)
(iv) 'The Humble Administrator's Garden' is written by: (Nasim Ezekiel, Vikram Seth, Ben Okri)
(v) Brain Friel married Ann Morison in: (1952, 1953, 1954)
(b) Fill in the blanks. (05) 
(i) The play 'Translations' by Friel was first produced in Dry in __________.
(ii) Bernard Alba had __________ daughters.
(iii) The name of the youngest daughter was __________.
(iv) Field Day was a cultural arts group founded by __________.
(v) 'A Far Cry From Africa' is written by _________.
(c) Write True or False. (10) 
(i) Shirley Lim was the first Asian woman who got the Common Wealth Poetry prize in English.
(ii) Maria Jose was the mother of Amelia.
(iii) 'The House of Bernada Alba' is a fine comedy.
(iv) 'The Kite' is written by Maki Kureshi.
(v) In 1974 Solzhynetsin settled in Vermont after his expulsion from the Soviet Union.
(vi) The Red Wheel was published in the West in 1971.
(vii) In 1995 Solzhynetsin visited Russia for the first time since his exile.
(viii) Adela was a young girl twenty one years of age.
(ix) Make Kureshi was and Indian Parsee.
(x) Taufiq Rafat was greately influenced by T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pond.
2. Write short answers not exceeding two lines to each of the following questions. (20) 
(i) When and where was Ben Okri born?
(ii) What are the major themes of Maki Kureishi's poetry?
(iii) Name of the poets who influenced Taufiq Rafat.
(iv) Achebe is widely acclaimed for his novels. Name any three of them.
(v) When and where was Nugugi born?
(vi) Name three novels of Nugugi.
(vii) Describe briefly about Waikyaki's character.
(viii) Why did the rival communities in 'The River Between' oppose each other?
(ix) What is the theme of 'The River Between'.
(x) Who is considered as the founding father of Pakistan Poetry in English?
Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point. 
3. Critically evaluate the female characters in Lorca's 'The House of Bernada Alba'. (15)
4. 'Translations' by Friel is an enchanting fictive account of the Irish experience of British colonialism. Discuss. (15)
5. Justify the implication of the title of Nugugi's novel 'The River Between'. (15)
6. Attempt a critical appraisal of 'The Stone Chat' by Taufiq Rafat. (15)
7. Achebe has a peculiar appeal of his own. Discuss. (15)
8. 'A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch' is an indictment of the tyrannical system in the Gulas. Discuss. (15)
2. YEAR 2014 (1st Annual)
Objective Part is COMPULSORY. Attempt any FOUR questions from Subjective Part. 
1. Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (20) 
(i) What are the major themes in Ghose's Poems?
(ii) Name any two collections of poems by Anna Akhmatora.
(iii) Why did Rival communities in 'The River Between' oppose each other?
(iv) What is the theme of Shirley Lim's poetry?
(v) What do you know about Nugugi?
(vi) Why was Anna Akhmatora accused by the Soviet critics?
(vii) Write a brief note on Chinua Achebe.
(viii) What do you know about Manus?
(ix) What is the theme of 'The House of Bernarda Alba'?
(x) What do you know about Aleksander Solzhenitsyn?
2. What is your impression of African Society as you have read Nugugi's 'The River Between'? (20)
3. What is the thematic concern of Lorca in the play 'The House of Bernarda Alba'? (20)
4. Evaluate 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' as a tragedy of millions. (20)
5. Discuss the theme of 'Translations' by Brian Friel. (20)
6. Critically evaluate the poem 'Autumnal 1984'. (20)
7. Write critical appreciation of the poem 'Night of the Scorpion'. (20)


1. YEAR 2008 (2nd Annual)
Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics.
(i) Victorian Writers and their Society
(ii) Imagism
(iii) Renaissance: A Movement of Shaking Faiths and Creating Skepticism
(iv) Romanticism in English Literature
(v) Novel During the Eighteenth and the Nineteenth Centuries
(vi) English Literature - A Reflection of Gentlemanly Traditions
(vii) Development of English Literature from Chaucer to Shakespeare
2. YEAR 2009 (1st Annual)
Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics. 
(i) Art and Morality
(ii) Metaphysical Poetry and its Revival During the Twentieth Century
(iii) Shakespearean Drama - A Source of Life and Beauty
(iv) Romanticism Vs Realism
(v) Satire in the Eighteenth Century English Literature
(vi) Tragic Vision of Hardy's Novels
(vii) New Trends in the Twentieth Century Literature
3. YEAR 2010 (1st Annual)
Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics. 
(i) Shakespearean Tragedy
(ii) Literature and Society
(iii) Satire in English Literature
(iv) Development of English Prose
(v) Metaphysical Poetry
(vi) Trends in Modern Drama
4. YEAR 2011 (1st Annual)
Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics. 
(i) Role of Literature in Society
(ii) Modern Drama
(iii) Development of Victorian Novel
(iv) Development of English Essay
(v) Romantic Poetry
(vi) Shakespearean Comedy
5. YEAR 2012 (1st Annual)
Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics. 
(i) Nature in Literature
(ii) Modern Tragedy
(iii) Trends in Modern English Poetry
(iv) Development of English Essay
(v) Romantic Poetry
(vi) What is Literature?
(vii) Shakespeare As a Damatist
6. YEAR 2013 (1st Annual)
Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics. 
(i) Literature Presents Nothing But Truth
(ii) Objective Poetry Versus Subjective Poetry
(iii) Shakespearean Tragic Hero
(iv) Women Novelists in English Literature
(v) The Romantics - Not Escapists But True Revolutionists
(vi) The Theatre of the Absurd
(vii) Post - Colonial Literature
7. YEAR 2014 (1st Annual)
Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics. 
(i) Usefulness of Studying Literature in Modern Times
(ii) Epic Poetry
(iii) Influence of Renaissance on English Literature
(iv) Eighteenth Century Novel
(v) Nature and the Romantics
(vi) Henrik Ibsen and Modern Tragedy
(vii) Impressionism and Expressionism in Literature

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